美雪(中村麻美 饰)每天都会偷着寻找被丢弃的垃圾,因为她暗恋了乐手邻居吉则(铃木一真 饰)。每天她都翻开吉则的垃圾,希望能从垃圾中看到他生活的痕迹,更希望了解他的生活。 一天美雪在垃圾中发现了一封信,是吉则前女友寄来的。美雪决定前往吉则表演的场地,在那里,美雪终于鼓起勇气结识了吉则。令美雪惊讶的是,原来吉则一直都知道她在翻看自己的垃圾这件事,不知是羞愧还是害怕,美雪竟然把收集多时的垃圾,全部扔掉了……Having a crush on someone, including a neighbour, may not be considered unusual, but there is a line that is crossed when the infatuation includes going through the loved one's trash. Miyuki has crossed the line and cannot stop herself. Her reality, at least, allows her to be more understanding and available when a stalker, in turn, craves her.