1991年,香港黑帮龙头倪坤被杀,倪氏家族旗下五大头目中除韩琛(曾志伟)外,均伺机背叛发难,不料却被倪家不起眼的第二代倪永孝(吴镇宇)不费一兵一卒牵制,此举引来重案祖督察黄志诚(黄秋生)的戒心,使其派出警校学生陈永仁(余文乐)渗入倪家进行长期的卧底工作,而韩琛为了巩固势力,早在警察内部安插了线人刘建明(陈冠希)。三年后,事业蒸蒸日上的倪永孝为安枕无忧,决意将五大头目一举歼灭,却因疏忽让韩琛成为漏网之鱼。 1997年,大难不死的韩琛重出江湖,为替死去的同事报仇,黄志诚找到他商议合作除掉倪永孝的事宜,不久却发现此举铸成大错,而各自为自己的尴尬身份苦恼的陈永仁和刘建明,则在无间道的路上越行越远。In the prequel of Infernal Affairs. Chan Wing Yan has been expelled from police academy in cause of his relatives to the triad. Now SP Wong give him a chance to undercover the triad family controlled by his half brother Hau. Besides of Ming. He has been ordered to killed Hau father and infiltrated the police department. The story get complicated when Wong's related to Hau father's dead. The avenge is begin when Mary. Sam's wife is the hit order. Now everything is complicated and related