I havn't deleted the film since I finished,and though it's just such a ordinary youth-horror film within bunch of familiar moves that already took in serial 1,but acturally Jenifer love is really sexy,she looks just spiffy.
I could hardly forgot her charming face after I saw the trailer,her words was truely convincible,"It's night,it's dark.She knows it's nightmare time for her."Just like her acted in the film,she could't deal with it since another year past,she couldn't figured that out,entirely.
The nightmare was still there,silent but unable to ignore,unless she faced to that whole process again,faced to the guilty,the fear,and the neverless horror.The most favourite scenario of mine is the first time of her bedroom part,seems that everything surrounded her were rebuilded,sweet dorm with double safe lock which enable to make sure she could fall into sleep with comfort,but when she picked up that photograph of her friend took in the beauty contest,she couldn't helped herself to fall in sad,cause all those breakdown memories was there,deep in her heart and not allow to be touch through any path.The real nightmare wasn't that hooker,it's her.It's her phobia with self-abuse and terror.
She knows it,she knows she can't get through with it,no matter how long to charm off about that summer,it's still her neverland,never wanna back to bump into it,and ever.

我仍然知道你去年夏天干了什么I Still Know What You Did Last Summer(1998)

又名:旧年暑假仲有鬼(港) / 到底是谁搞的鬼


主演:詹妮弗·洛芙·休伊特 / 小弗雷迪·普林兹 / 布兰蒂·诺维德 / 

导演:Danny Cannon / 编剧:Trey Callaway