杰克和吉尔对抗世界Jack and Jill vs. the World(2008)



主演:小弗雷迪·普林兹 塔恩·曼宁 Vanessa Parise 

导演:Vanessa Parise / 编剧:Vanessa Parise/Peter Stebbings


Plot Summary:In Manhattan, the successful executive Jack is a methodical and controlled man with simple habits that works in an advertisement agency with his coworker George. While smoking a cigarette on the roof of the building of the agency, Jack meets the aspirant actress Jill that has just arrived in New York and is seeking a job. He sympathizes with her situation and gives her name to a Klubendorf commercial in the campaign promoted by his agency. When he takes Jill home, he finds that she lives in a very low-budget hotel and out of the blue, he invites her to stay in the guest room of his fancy apartment for a while. Jill changes the behavior of Jack that becomes happier, and proposes Jack to write together a manifesto where the first rule is "be honest". However, she omits to Jack that she is sick with cystic fibrosis and she would have only a couple of years more. When Jack discovers that Jill is ill, he feels betrayed with her violation of their first rules, and they split. But Jack is changed and sooner he decides to seek out Jill.
故事发生在车水马龙川流不息的大都市纽约,杰克(小弗雷迪·普林兹 Freddie Prinze Jr. 饰)是生活在那里的一名广告人,光线的工作和生活背后,是他日复一日付出的辛劳汗水。吉尔(塔恩·曼宁 Taryn Manning 饰)初来乍到,一切都像无根浮萍,然而,外表甜美内心单纯的她却坚定的相信自己能够在这里闯出一番天地,甚至遇到一段感情。   就是这样一对个性和境遇都截然不同的男女,他们走到了一起,彼此之间的巨大差异反而让他们相互吸引,最终两人成为了同居室友,签订了“同居条款”。然而,随着时间的推移,杰克却开始越发在意起吉尔的一举一动起来,他觉得行踪诡异的吉尔一定有什么秘密瞒着自己。


memoto • 生命的宽度


Jason M
Jason M • 王子和公主的都市版本

Jack and Jill vs.the World,百度百科上翻译为杰克和吉尔的对抗世界,豆瓣上翻

热爱大自然≈ • 韩剧路子?!!开完喜呢吧 我喜欢这部片子

我想说我喜欢这部电影。不是因为所谓的什么王子灰姑娘 这电影本身并不是想述说这个吧。有些人可能没认真看

arco iris
arco iris • 以平凡人的角度看一出童话美剧

Dick and Jill vs. the World 杰克,吉尔及背后的世界 ——I come

mystery train
mystery train • 我只评烂片

实在不能用轻松调侃的语气来评价这部电影。 因为我是个相信爱情相信童话的人(恶。。。)

软软 • 还是有亮点~

u guys think how does this relationship nonsense u

Nina。 • 王子能战胜死神么。

Jack and Jill vs. the World。 又是一部荷里活的王子与灰姑娘爱情

木木 • to be or not to be


九点读书 • 又是一见钟情的故事

  总得来说片子还行,没那么的白马王子和灰姑娘。   通常女主角都是阳光单纯可爱的不行,与其说这种片

Se7en • 韩剧的路子

1 我喜欢男猪的床单 2 当我知道这个女的得了个什么纤维病的时候 我就知道 这个故事又是一个俗套 3

自找快乐 自寻烦恼
自找快乐 自寻烦恼 • manifesto

rule 1 be honest rule 2 believe in fairy tales rul