太棒了 光是断句就好笑 这部应该是我看完Simon的Do Nothing和Numb之后唯一一次看到这么触动我心的stand-up了 每集的开头的结尾都有很强的情感厚度 讲到比较personal的时候就一直想哭 段子里一直反复出现某一种非常specific的物品再加上复古的衣服 那种奇奇怪怪broken genius的气质很符合我的口味 有时候分不清是stage persona 还是真实的情感流露 把悲伤包裹在笑话中 no more jobs那段太感同身受 贯穿整场的undercover cop人设让我想到我很多时候接受不了身边的环境就幻想自己只是卧底在这里观察人类 有一天会有来自另一个世界的使者接我回家 可能他也是在这样安慰自己吧

从头到尾有太多太多喜欢的笑话了 今天看了Anthony Jeselnik的新special 喜欢的笑话整场下来只有两个 又回到这部重新看 太喜欢了 有很多伏笔照应 重复看的时候知道有照应看到伏笔埋下激动死了 关于being raises Christian对James的影响在James的一个采访里他讲到自己20多岁才怀疑自己的基督教信仰 也是20多岁才lost virginity 不是要等到结婚但是他想等到真爱(I was holding it out for love.)

"There's four things you can be in life. Sober, tipsy, drunk, hangover. Tipsy is the only one out of the four where you don't cry during it."

“You are not the only person who hates everyone.”

"Be yourself in a relationship. What if they don't like you man. What if every relationships you've ever been in is that somebody slowly figuring out they don't like you as much as they hope they would. One day I'll have the guts to end the show there."

“The moral of the story was …… I hate Lucas.”
“On a scale of 1 to 10, how happy are you with your smile? That’s not a dental question, that’s an existential question.”

“And the teeth had tooth. Does the tooth teeth have teeth too?”

“Oh and all of you would kill for a fresh start in life.”

“I tried to buy one of the ones (dividers) in the supermarket in the end. I walked in, picked it up, put it on the conveyor belt, so began the longest day of my life. I even put it between two of the dividers so it was clear that’s what I’m buying.”

“All of us hate ourselves on some level that’s not weird by the way just so you know.”

“Tagliatelle. No man left behind.” (That’s so sweet!)

“It was your tour show Andrew. It said James Acaster on the tickets.”

“But if it’s any consolation, I once went through something very similar myself.”

“They say you are what you eat. It’s true because as soon as I bought the ready-to-eat-apricot, I was ready to eat apricot.”

在看了这部单口之后彻底爱上了James Acaster 在YouTube上几乎看完了他出现的所有的视频 买了他classic scarpes的书 出于对于这部special的obsession我还买了dr.pepper喝 ao3上有他和Ed Gamble的同人文 和Just Puddings一起看很有感觉 我觉得我将来会去英国在爱上Simon Amstell和James Acaster之后就是注定的了 全额奖学金请给我吧

James现在在巡演Cold Lasagna Hate Myself 1999 希望一定要录下来啊

詹姆斯·艾克斯特:拿手剧目James Acaster: Repertoire(2018)

主演:James Acaster / 
