
念先生 • 医疗内幕:Sicko

As a director, Michael Moore must be extremely successful. He managed to persuade me to believe that the United States has the worst health care system which cannot be compared with Canada, France and even Cuba, its imaginary enemy.
the most horrible thing is that before you take some medicine or receive a surgery which may cure your disease,you must ask your insurance's opinion first. It's your body but it is in your hand.
I cannot believe, that is the United of States, a country claiming that it is the mot democratic and happiest one.
I am sure that Michael Moore exaggerate other countries' advantages for the sake of highlighting America's terrible system.
我不太同意一些文章所说,美国医改最大的困难是人民反对政府插手过多的事物;我比较赞成 Michael Moore的观点:是政府与大型医疗保险公司之间的相互勾结导致的。

中文译名,我比较prefer神经病人啦:当 Michael Moore在法国很多医院中做随即采访时,我feel that he is sicko. 医疗内幕这种译法太直白了。

Michael Moore 拍片的目的显然是为了打破很多心中的美国梦,因而其采纳的片段和例子有些极端且极不全面。但空血不能来风,因而影片还是有很强的现实意义。人们当然没有必要因为一部电影就对美国完全失去希望,但是盲目相信一切,总是不对的,任何国家,总有其好与不好,关键看你如何衡量与评价,毕竟每个人的观念不同


又名:健保真要命(台) / 神经病人 / 医保内幕


主演:迈克尔·摩尔 / Tucker Albrizzi / Tony Benn / 

导演:迈克尔·摩尔 / 编剧:迈克尔·摩尔 Michael Moore
