海贼王TV版特别篇:父亲宏大的理想大海原にひらけ! でっかいでっカイ父の夢(2003)

又名:航海王:奔向大海原!父亲伟大的梦想(台) / One Piece: Open Upon the Great Sea! A Father's Huge, Huge Dream!


主演:田中真弓 冈村明美 中井和哉 山口胜平 平田广明 大谷育江 山口由里子 二又一成 草尾毅 金月真美 永野广一 川上伦子 川田妙子 木内玲子 小林通孝 中尾良平 马场圭介 下村基治 藤本隆弘 

导演:境宗久 / 编剧:尾田荣一郎 Eiichiro Oda/菅良幸 Yoshiyuki Suga


Plot Summary:Bonnie & Max are crew members of Pirate Zap's ship. They're tired of the life they're in a want to escape. Only problem is they have no money. Three child hostages over heard their conversation and the eldest, Amanda knows where Bonnie & Max can get loaded. As her father was a pro treasure hunter who hid a treasure and made a deal that they can have it. Max & Bonnie agreed and sneaked away with the 3 kids. And spent one month on the small island on where the treasure is said to be. Luffy and his crew got involved with the conflict. And end up battling against the Bayan & Zap Pirates who both want the same thing. And Amanda is the key to locating the treasure. Will the treasure be claimed by the right people?
某天,草帽海贼团漂泊到一个美丽的海岛,此前已经有人先行到达这里。由于父亲临终前的话语,女孩阿曼达和弟弟妹妹霍力、米丽亚出行寻找传说中的小岛和财宝,却在路上被邪恶的海贼佐布囚禁。她以财宝的秘密为诱饵,使佐布两名手下偷偷放了他们,并一路逃亡到这个小岛。然而愤怒的佐布穷追不舍,他们与草帽海贼团发生冲突,只是阿曼达和沉睡的路飞最终被对方掳去。骚乱过后,众人从佐布手下得知真相,而这个小岛据说就是埋藏财宝的地方。   另一方面,佐布一众也得知财宝的秘密,于是驱船返回小岛。一场大战似乎在所难免,而关于财宝的真相又是怎样的呢?


sosovipp • 语录

卓洛:别管他了,只要危急关头这家伙(路飞)醒来就行了。(说后自己呼呼大睡) 阿曼达:父母说暂时在这