就如常规圣诞合家欢爱情甜甜片,女主Sophie Brown凭借12部畅销小说享誉20年。。。呃, 最近她把小说中一个受人欢迎的角色写死了。。。 于是不少粉丝转黑。。。。。于此同时Sophie 自己也经历了一场糟糕的离婚不幸。 Seeking a solitary escape, she heads to Scotland for a visit to the remote Dun Dunbar castle.

在苏格兰,Sophie 一眼相中了这个拥有 500 年历史的古堡,当她得知其主人因经济拮据而被迫出售之的时候,她立马决定拿下它。古堡的主人Myles公爵 aka 男主 提出一个要求:Sophie 需要花90天与之共同住在古堡,学习如何管理这座房产 。。。。。Between the castle’s aging infrastructure and its crotchety master, he’s betting that she’ll run away and forfeit her deposit.

如其他套路爱情电影一样, 随着时间的推移。。。。 女主与公爵从相看相厌。。找到共同兴趣 Robbie Burns, Scotland’s beloved poet。。。最后相识相知、共赴爱河。。。。。于是公爵哒计划成功啦。。。呃,好像也不如他想的那样。。。哈哈哈!!!!

Perhaps the best part of A Castle for Christmas is its implicit messages. In Sophie’s journey, we’re reminded that it’s never too late to change your life’s trajectory. Sophie’s not sure where her new path is going to take her and she’s frightened by the uncertainty. But she’s got courage and sticks to it, eventually forging an exciting life and career. Her friendships with the local residents are a tribute to the power of community and the impact that individuals can have on those around them. This is a story where people have space for second chances and are able to grow in an atmosphere of support, kindness, and love. Frankly, that’s more valuable than any castle, however picturesque it might be.

圣诞城堡A Castle for Christmas(2021)


主演:波姬·小丝 / 加利·艾尔维斯 / 

导演:玛丽·兰伯特 /