1.Permission to be human
i.Let it be, then it loses lots of its vitality, control and force.
ii.It takes time, work and self-awareness; it takes falling down and getting up; it takes learning to fail and learning from that failure; it takes learning to accept oneself; it takes being open and being vulnerable and making mistakes; it takes being human, fully human.

“The more independent we become, the more interdependent we can be” --- Nathaniel Branden

2.The importance of being independent
i.Moral behavior
ii.Better cognitive performance: choose the path that hasn’t already been taken
iii.Higher level of happiness

“Differentiation is your ability to maintain your sense of self when you are emotionally and/or physically close to others, especially as they become increasingly important to you. Differentiation permits you to maintain your own course when lovers, fiends, and family pressure you to agree and conform. Well-differentiated people can agree without feeling like they’re losing themselves and can disagree without feeling alienated and embittered.” --- David Schnarch

3.The stability of self-esteem
It’s the stability rather than the self-esteem per se that determined whether or not a person would be hostile or benevolent.

4.How to enhance self-esteem
ABC theory: attitude changes behavior and vice versa
i.Behave calmly
by meditation, mindfulness and physical exercise.
ii.Pursue passion
ask this question: what will you do in a world that no one would know what I was doing?
iii.Enjoy lots of flow
iv.Humble behavior
Those who chase after honor, honor will run away from them, those who run away from honor, honor will chase them.
v.Simplify life
ask three questions: what’s meaningful? What’s pleasurable? What am I good at?
vi.Time affluence
take a step back to identify the path that’s right for us
my words are worthy

积极心理学Positive Psychology(2010)


主演:TalBen Shahar / 

导演:TalBen Shahar / 

