Lecture 11


Two kinds of change
1. The gradual Approach
2. The acute change

The thing to keep in mind about change is that neither is quick-fix

Neuroplasticity & neurogenesis

The great insight doesn't come in a vacuum. It comes after a lot of hard work and a lot of preparation.

The belief in quick-fix, the expectation of the quick-fix-that is one of the reasons why levels of the depression are so high today

A few things to understand before change process
Do I,you really want to change? The conscious level we may be saying yes, but the subconscious level something is stopping us. e.g.
Worry and anxiety--responsibility
Guilt --empathic and sensitive toward other people
Simplifying--losing my edge
Fault-finding--sense of realism
Happiness--slacking off
Hard to say “no”—Nice guy.
Nathaniel Branden—to identify what you wanna get rid of and what wanna keep
Switch the subconscious mind and conscious mind

Three distinct interconnected pathways to change
A : Affect

Three factors for individual’s happiness
1. Genetic set range maters about 50%
It is and nature to be commanded must be obeyed. We need to look at our nature. Understand it and then make the best of it.
2. External circumstances.(such as income, place of residence, weather…) mater about 10%
3. Intentional activities(what we do, how we act, what we think about, how we interpret the world, what we focus on) 40%

A : Affect
It is a linguistic connection between emotion, motivation and motion.
Without emotion we wouldn't move.
Two aspects within emotion:
1. gradual change
is a mindful meditation which is arguably the most powerful intervention for bringing about calm and equanimity.
Jon-Kabatt , Tara Bennett-Goleman,Herbert Benson
Mindfullness involves cultivating our ability to pay attention in the present moment. Transform our brain just by focusing on the breath, by focusing on the parts of our body, by being present.

2. acute change

Lecture 4

1. Positive emotion---Upward spiral— Borden & build---more open & creative—grounded optimist
2.Negative emotion---downward spiral

Equating to selfishness & immorality is the No.1 cause of unhappiness
------“Positive sum game”
5 extra acts during a week

★ Be the change you want to see in the world
Mahatm Granhi “ stop eating sugar” story
People mostly do what you do, rather than what you say.

★With our thoughts, we made our world.
---i.e. Roger Bannister run 1 mile 3:59 and broke the record & limitation.
★Pygmalion Effect
1. Rebert Rosethal “fast spurters’
2.the obedient to authority
3. Philip Zimbardo
★The power of situation
Ellen Langer
Study. 1 959 Retreat ,People become younger
Sutdy 2 Eyesight Measure.

★How do we create a positive situation
Barge—“Prime people”

积极心理学Positive Psychology(2010)


主演:TalBen Shahar / 

导演:TalBen Shahar / 

