這篇報導寫了很多幕後的故事,63 Up 對於導演Michael來說,大概真的是最後一部了,但願還有70 Up,還有以後
“This is an odd question for you,” Apted began. “I mean, we all think you’re a very, very bright, very talented woman — I mean, could you have done more, do you think?”
“Yes, I should have done more. I should have done more. But the trouble is, when you’re 18, 20, 22, you think you know it all and you’ve done it all — or I did, let’s put it that way, but by the time you reach 35 you’re like, ‘Oh, dear, I didn’t know anything.’ But by then I had my children, so I had to concentrate on my children. I was going to say, ‘By the time they grew up and left home,’ but they haven’t!”
“We’ve talked about relationships,” Apted said, “but one we haven’t talked about is you and me — ”
Jackie giggled, a sound that has not changed since she was 7.
“ — which was a big part of our lives in a way, wasn’t it?”
“Yeah, of course it is,” Jackie said.
... ...
“I understand that,” she said, “and that’s why I’m saying. … I wanted to say what I wanted to say but that would never affect our relationship. I know if I picked up the phone and said, ‘Michael, I need help,’ you would be there.” Jackie’s voice began to catch, and her eyes shone. “You would say to me, ‘Where, when and how?’ and if it was humanly possible you would help me, I know that. I know you care about me, and I care about you, but that didn’t stop me having to have a go at you. Well, we’re a family, families fall out, families have arguments, but we are a family.”
Jackie stopped, unsure if she had it in her to say out loud the thing that was plainly on the mind of every person in that room. Apted was frail and prone to falls; he regularly misplaced his personal items; he could often enough recall the past with great detail but sought frequent clarification of where he was supposed to go and why. Apted, she feared, would not be well enough to make a movie in seven years’ time. The likelihood there would ever be a “70 Up” was vanishing.
“And this is one of the reasons, and I’ll tell you this now, it’s one of the reasons there’ll never be another program for me.” Her voice broke. Apted himself was not in tears; everyone else in the room was either openly crying or seemed to be struggling for composure. “This is me, I’m done. Because I’m not having somebody else sitting in that chair and somebody else sitting behind the cameras. I wouldn’t be able to trust them the way I trust all of you.”

人生七年963 Up(2019)

又名:人生七载之当我六十三 / 63岁起 / 人生七年第九季


主演:Tony Walker / Charles Furneaux / Nicholas Hitchon / 

导演:迈克尔·艾普特 / 
