63 Up -- 人生七年的第九季,从7岁开始跟拍的纪录片,主人公已经到了63岁了。纪录片的开头总是,“Give me a child until he is seven, and I will give you the man." 看过所有的,最后的感觉确实印证了这句话,主人公每个人说话的风格大部分人一辈子都没有改变,每个人心里都还住着那个7岁的小孩。

7岁起在寄宿学校读书的Bruce,个子小估计是常被Bully的那个,到了63岁,被妻子抱怨最多的还是常常难以表达感受。因为父母婚姻问题,最后被送到儿童之家的两个孩子过集体生活,后来成年的日子总是缺乏自信。“She was everything to me, but she was not there",男孩提到自己的母亲。
这一年健康很多人出现问题,一个因为先天性血管疾病已经去世,一个则在喉癌的化疗中,10个主人公目测一半以上有肥胖问题。里面的不少人年轻时候都可以称得上俊男靓女,可伴随着年长后代谢下降,常摄入薯条炸鸡汉堡之类,健康出问题是早晚的事。问喉癌的Nick,这个曾经自信的大学教授,“Are you frightened about death?", 手摸着额头,侧身望向远方,“Not for myself, but for them(family)".

63岁的主人公们大多刚经历或即将经历至亲离世。Paul提起自己的父亲,“He was the constant in my life.", Simon则遗憾自己的母亲Leave so many things unsaid. 同时,他们也意识到,父母的去世就如同与死神相隔的墙倒了 - You are the next. 另外,主人公的儿女们成熟,欣喜地迎接有成群的grandchildren,但也有 “It's not a nice place to be watching your daughter struggle",有没有熟悉的感觉?普通人的故事不大都如此吧。

Bruce,牛津数学系毕业就去平民区教书,相信,“General education is better for society", 35岁曾去孟加拉支教, 但之后也回归家庭。Lynn一辈子的儿童图书管理员,给残章儿童举办读书活动,但3三十多年的服务,最后还是因为教育经费的缩减而失去工作 - “I've banged my head against a brick wall to maintain children's service." 当被问到,“Has it been worth it?", “Yes, it has been worth it." 说完,她的表情变得难以控制,趁眼泪喷发前,离开了镜头。所有人算她最早去世,其实我觉得她挺幸福的。
最后,还有Peter关于“What do you want out of your life", 他28岁和63岁的回答几乎是一致的,“The satisfactions of knowing that I've left some sort of imprint, rather than just lived out my life." 希望他的小说和音乐可以被留下。那我能留下些什么,也许就是今晚的Note,抑或是明天的代码,继续找自己[嘘]

1. All my aspiration and dreams went out the window. -- 投资失败的Tony。
2. A old head on your shoulder年少老成 -- 形容Tony抚养的外孙女。
3. I decided not to throw my hat into the ring of politics. -- John决定不涉足政治
4. Getting on to the property ladder -- 英国人关于年轻人买第一套房的说法
5. Friendships take time and tolerance. Loving a person means listening to and understanding them first. -- 律师合伙人Andrew形容自己的relationship
6. “What attracts you about American?””It's exciting place to be, there's a lot going on. It's much easier to go out and get things done in England." -- 问35年前的Nick为什么从英国去美国,"much easier to get things done" -- 先想到中国...
7. It's still the age you would like to be the one who has the most influence on their lives, rather than spending their lives with third parties. -- Andrew关于为什么不把孩子送到寄宿学校
8. It's important for people who have had advantages to try and put as much back and to help others less fortunate than themselves if they can -- John谈到自己的理想
9. The sooner you understand who you are, the sooner you understand what you can do. It takes me 60 years to understand -- Simon的感慨
10. Life is what happens while you're waiting for something else. -- Neil的感慨
11. When you live with a person for a long time, you get a point where you don't have to have preamble conversations. You don't have to fall out. It's just not worth spending a long time sulking with each other. -- Peter妻子关于相处的评论

人生七年963 Up(2019)

又名:人生七载之当我六十三 / 63岁起 / 人生七年第九季


主演:Tony Walker / Charles Furneaux / Nicholas Hitchon / 

导演:迈克尔·艾普特 / 
