矿工The Miner(2017)



主演:Boris Cavazza Jure Henigman 莱昂·鲁塞夫 Tin Marn Marina Redzepovic 

导演:Hanna Antonina Wojcik-Slak / 编剧:Hanna Antonina Wojcik-Slak


Plot Summary:2009, Slovenia, European Union. For 30 years, Alija, the miner, has been one of the many Bosnian immigrant workers. Due to the crisis, miners are losing jobs. Alija is sent to check an abandoned mine. His task is to quickly make sure the mine is empty before management sells the company. But in the mine, Alija finds hidden proof of executions after WWII. He is told to stop digging and report the mine empty. He decides to continue, although he is risking his job. Alija discovers thousands of executed people. He informs the police. He found women among the dead. Some of them were civilians, missing persons, just like his sister that was lost in the 1995 genocide in Bosnia. Alija is convinced the victims need to be brought out, identified and buried. But there is no interest in doing that. The mine is proclaimed a WWII military grave and walled in. The dead will stay unburied. Alija loses his job and struggles to preserve his dignity. He is sure he was doing the right thing, in spite of ...
影片根据真实事件改编。阿利亚是一名在斯洛文尼亚务工多年的波斯尼亚矿工。由于经济危机,矿业公司开始大规模裁员。阿利亚被派去勘探一座即将被出售的废矿,却在矿中意外发现了大批在二战后被秘密处决的尸体。上级勒令他停止勘探,但他想到了在1995年波斯尼亚大屠杀中尸骨未寻的姐姐,冒着丢掉工作的危险,继续挖掘着事实的真相...... 该片入围华沙国际电影节国际竞赛单元,并斩获斯洛文尼亚电影节三项大奖。前南斯拉夫内战的阴云仍未散去,每个人都在以自己的方式铭记这场浩劫。


n1ghtmare • 《矿工》:斯洛文尼亚“万人坑”与两场大屠杀

昨天看了一场斯洛文尼亚电影《矿工》,托2018年欧盟电影展的福。 这部电影获得了2017年斯洛文尼亚