


主演:玛吉特·卡斯滕森 卡尔海因茨·伯姆 芭芭拉·瓦伦汀 

导演:赖纳·维尔纳·法斯宾德 / 编剧:Cornell Woolrich/Rainer Werner Fassbinder


Plot Summary:A single woman in her early thirties, Martha (Margit Carstensen) is on vacation with her father in Rome when he has a heart attack and falls down dead. She reacts rather indifferently and returns home to her highly-strung mother and begins to new era of her life taking care of a completely ungrateful and insulting mother (declining an offer of marriage from her boss). After a barrage of verbal abuse and offensive remarks from her mother who see's her as an 'ugly old spinster' she accepts a proposal of marriage from an equally insulting and disrespectful man, Helmuth. They honeymoon in Italy. While there Helmuth resigns Martha from the job that she loves, sends her mother to a mental institution, and lets his wife get horribly burnt in the sun while sleeping, then painfully rapes her. Martha gets back to Germany to find that Helmuth has rented them a new house, and she will not be able to return to her old home even to collect any of her things, which he says must be left behind her. At first the naive and immature Martha believes that her husbands childish temper and selfishness, his domineering possessiveness, his lack of respect, and his violent sexual preferences are just a normal part of marriage. Later, against her husbands order she leaves the house and befriends an old work-mate, Herr Kaiser, who tell her Helmuth is a sadist. While Kaiser and Martha are driving together Martha becomes convinced that her husband is following her and is going to kill her.
玛塔(玛吉特•卡斯滕森 Margit Carstensen 饰)和个性冷漠粗暴的父亲过着相依为命的生活,两人前往罗马度家,途中,父亲突发心脏病不幸身亡。玛塔并没有感到有多难过,相反,她第一次感受到了什么是自由。之后,玛塔邂逅了名为赫尔穆特(卡尔亨兹•伯恩 Karlhei nz Böhm 饰)的工程师,两人坠入了情网。   然而,赫尔穆特的个性和玛塔的父亲如出一辙,他不断的侮辱和虐待着玛塔,奇怪的是,玛塔似乎很享受这种虐待。玛塔和赫尔穆特携手步入了婚姻的殿堂,婚后,赫尔穆特对玛塔的虐待相比以前有过之而不及。最终,玛塔决定和自己的同事私奔,哪知道一场车祸不仅夺走了情郎的性命,还令玛塔失去了双腿。


lucy's sad
lucy's sad • 愛與痛的邊緣

曾幾何時,我為一隊很喜歡的德國樂隊Untoten 在香港某本音樂雜誌寫了一篇文章,文章的內容論及我自

老板娘 • 必要的残酷


气急败坏女疯子 • 不幸的女人


咖喱芒果 • 人贱人爱

你觉得她很贱么 难道你不贱么 同学少年都很贱 法史宾德的片子老是这样 看完觉得他说的太TNNND对