没错!是你熟悉又陌生的东木老爷子!还是狂野西部风,但这次来到了墨西哥,还是一人一枪一马,但这次换成了一老一小一鸡。东木饰演的老牛仔Miko曾五获全美幼驹冠军,但输给了岁月这把杀猪刀,成了老板Howard Polk的眼中钉、肉中刺。受托只身前往墨西哥,请回少主赴美当家。怎奈少主斗鸡成性,其母又性瘾上身。为躲避沿途的保镖和联邦警察,Miko被迫在归程的小镇上当起了草根兽医,还和酒馆寡妇渐生情愫、闻歌起舞。

参透人生的Miko在片尾规劝仰慕Macho(Strong)的少主:Well, I used to be a lot of things, but I’m not now. And I’ll tell you something. This macho thing is overrated. Works perfect for him, but it’s overrated. Just people trying to be macho to show that they’ve got grit. That’s about all they end up with. And you sit there and let a bull step all over you, and you let a horse throw you 50 feet in the air, what an idiot. Only an idiot would be in a profession like that. It’s just, it’s like anything else in life. You think you got all the answers, then you realize as you get old, that you don’t have any of them. By the time you figure it out, it’s too late.你曾风光无限,你自认知晓万物,却错失人生中最重要的东西,幡然悔悟,为时已晚。所以,明知被当作筹码的少主最后毅然选择了父亲,Miko也重归寡妇的身旁。


哭泣的男人Cry Macho(2021)



主演:阿诺·施瓦辛格 Arnold Schwarzenegger

导演:克林特·伊斯特伍德编剧:N. Richard Nash
