我们都曾拥有的青春,头脑发热的冲动,飞蛾赴火的热情,痛彻心扉的感伤,大起大落的爱恨嗔痴,无厘头的争吵和好。青春就是有一点点幼稚和无脑, 但我们都投入了全身心的激情和爱。我们狠狠地去爱,去疯狂,去感受,去打破,去推翻,去成长,去迎接和告别每一位路过我们的人,然后我们戴上头盔,骑上摩托车,踏上远方,他们现在可能和你天各一方,也或许就在你的身旁,但这些都无法影响你嘴角的上扬,因为你早已收获了最灿烂的夏日和无数道喷薄而出的目光。



Maybe things really would work out with Noah, I hope they would.

And maybe they would not.

And no matter how much I wanted it.

Things could'nt stand the way they were forever.

But whatever happened.

I know there were part of me that was always gonna belong to Noah.

A little piece of my heart that would always be Noah's.

And for the first time everything suddenly seemed possible.


I never feel so alive with all of you.

I love all of you.

亲吻亭The Kissing Booth(2018)

又名:接吻亭 / 恋与接吻亭


主演:乔伊·金 / 乔尔·考特尼 / 莫尔纳·维瑟 / 莫利·林沃德 / Nathan Lynn / Meganne Young / Jacob Elordi / Frances Sholto-Douglas / Byron Langley / Robbie Tucker / Jessica Sutton / D·大卫·莫林 / 

导演:文斯·马塞洛 / 编剧:文斯·马塞洛 Vince Marcello/Beth Reekles
