Look! Nick is down to Mexico, I'm going to go visit him.
I'm not gonna to drink, I'm not gonna to smoke;I'm gonna right, I'm gonna meditate;I'm gonna eat healthy, and I'm gonna swim, and I'm gonna work out, and I'm gonna write about all these feelings that are way up down inside of me. And when I get back, I'll get a place and job. I'm gonna call Ben today, I'm gonna set up an appointment. But I need to go away, and when I come back, I'll be ready for life.

James: Where do you wanna be?
Gail: Paris!
James: You hear the sounds on the streets, the cars on the street.(Sigh) The wind, relax your mind. My wife and I move there, we got two beautiful boys. You live next door in a beautiful one bedroom, you have all your books.
Gail: I want some Billie. (Billie Holiday was an American jazz musician and singer-songwriter)
James: You show my children all the museums on Sundays; you teach them about everything. We have dinner in my house every Friday as a family. Smells the flowers from the flora market. See Louvre, see Rodin in garden, see me happy, see me as a father, see me as a kind and loving man, see me smile to see you happy. My children love their grandma. You watch them grown up, you tell them my secret when they're old enough. You meet a man you love, he's French.
Gail: Expat...
James: What?
Gail: Expat
James: Expat. He's a wonderful man fits perfectly in our family. He loves you, he inspires you, he values you. He holds your hands for everything. He's an adventurist. He loves you, you are surrounded by people you love who love you. You're safe. You're responsible for all these beauty. Thank you, thank you for giving me this life and help me create this myself.

We feel good things, way up here;
But we feel bad things, way way, way down there.
And we got try to remember, there are the space in between, we got try to live in there too, right?

由于工作的原因,会接触一些患有老年痴呆,阿兹海默综合症和残疾的老年人。电影里妈妈的角色因为癌症第四期出现的一些并发症我在工作环境中时常也接触到,比如记忆力的衰退或者混乱,情绪快速转变,易怒,甚至失语症等等。也真的在工作中遇见了和电影《飞越疯人院》里面的麦克墨菲一样前额叶白质被切除的老年人,并不是成为了植物人,只是真的没有情绪波动。硬要形容的话,大概是devil face.

电影的结局,妈妈“闹”了一场令人哭笑不得的乌龙,相反地,却惊醒了James, 仿佛是上天又给了他一次机会,让他品尝失而复得,从而去履行自己的保证的机会。电影告诉我们,一团糟的生活和境遇,从来都不能依靠一段理想生活的后劲去面对并解决,我们要做的是,反复品尝失去的滋味,然后牢记重新得到后的珍惜与狂喜。

附上一篇关于这部电影的报道:[url=http://www.vulture.com/2015/11/james-white-new-york-magazine-cynthia-nixon.html]http://www.vulture.com/2015/11/james-white-new-york-magazine-cynthia-nixon.html[/url] 你应该知道关于这部电影的九件事。日记的标题取自这篇报道所说的倒数第二件事。

最后想说,实在很难过的时候,告诉自己:It's Okay to be sad.

詹姆斯·怀特James White(2015)

上映日期:2015-01-23(圣丹斯电影节) / 2015-11-13(美国)片长:85分钟

主演:克里斯托弗·阿波特 Christopher Abbott/朗·里维斯顿 Ron Livingston/卡迪小子 Kid Cudi/辛西娅·尼克松 Cynthia Nixon/大卫·卡尔 David Call/斯科特·科恩 Scott Cohen/Makenzie Leigh/David Harris

导演:Josh Mond编剧:Josh Mond