
“It's an ordinary day
in a publishing house
of ill repute.
Another moronic manuscript
comes crashing down the chute
to be turned into art.
This morning it was Wayne Wanker's
latest dog's dinner
of sex, teenage philosophy
and writing-course prose.
Abracadabra, kick it up the arse -
and out it goes
to be Book of the Week
or some other bollocks.
What a fraud. What a farce.
And tomorrow: who knows
which of our geniuses
will escape from the zoo
and head straight for us
with a new masterpiece
lifeless in his jaws.
That's about the size of it.
What about you?”


Alan Rickman杯杯深藍色襯衫上面鐵棕色的西裝,看起來説不上風雅,也顯不出落魄,Emma Thompson阿姨白色的裙子質地顯得極好,趁出一身的風韻尤存。

她招來侍者,他就說她誘惑,她說他是嫉妒,他表面不動聲色的否定,可内心的聲音說著完全相反的態度,“madly jealous”,“madly jealous”:P

“The very table linen
has lost its patriotism.
Plain white: we surrender.
twanging And this menu, this twanging
laminated card,
big as a riot policeman's shield? ”

Alan Rickman杯杯的“内心的聲音”和表面的不動聲色實在是太精彩了,面對爲了一個“小”男人離開他的女人,深深的相信這要是多麽愚蠢的女人才做得出這樣的決定啊,可人家如今是暢銷書作家……看著杯杯“說”著“how could she have been so stupid”,一邊不懂聲色的把紅酒倒進杯子。那看著waitress的裙子不小心翻起來的眼皮一跳,那精彩的在肚子裏罵這“笨女人”實則“強烈的嫉妒”,那對她新老公的諷刺,那個沉默,對著侍者的那段挖苦……其實Rickman杯杯都沒怎麽動嘴皮,甚至臉皮XD 那雙不大的眼睛一轉再配上那些心里的聲音,再加上另一根戯骨Emma Thompson阿姨的風韻和配合,就十足的撐起了這將近一個小時。

個人覺得Massimo也很是個點:P 這個結尾滿絕的。


午宴之歌The Song of Lunch(2010)



主演:艾玛·汤普森 Emma Thompson/艾伦·瑞克曼 Alan Rickman/Andi Soric/Siubhan Harrison/约瑟夫·朗 Joseph Long/Georgina Sutcliffe/Christopher Grimes

导演:Niall MacCormick编剧:Christopher Reid

