
Valaroma • 午宴之歌:间·隙

I hadn`t expected you to have gone to seed with quite such anandon.Or is this some cocked-eyed performance you`re putting on for my special benefit?

Right,well,while you are doing that,I`ll tell you what I think,for which we need to go back yo your poems.It strikes me that you don`t understand them yourself.They are not about me,I wasn`t the kidnap victim——it was you,who were snatched and carried to some region of darkness by···oh.let`s call her the Queen of the Fairies.Don`t interrupt.I`m finding my wordsas I go but when I`ve stopped,we`ll see if the theory`s up to scrutiny.Now according to logic,the Eurydice that you are trying to rescue with your brave little song must be yourself,your innerself,your soul.But you`ve not been in touch with that in your entire life,which puts you in hole strategically speaking.And who was it dumped you there in the first place?The kidnap I was talking about,whom I can now reveal to be the LyricMuse,who should have left you alone to work out your problems in some healthier fashion,and not led you on,not made you confuse poetry with therapy,and who is also to blame for your present state of emotional arrest,infantile truculence and drunken flippancy.It`s not just that you are stuck in the past.You`re stuck in your poems,which have their merits,they`re nicely written,they`re clever and so on,but they`re misconceived,false,hollow,wrong.You should never have gone there.Yet you did.That`s the catastrophe,that`s the diaster.Ever the escape artist,ever the clown.

这是摘自《午宴之歌》(The song of lunch)的一段话。Emma对Rickman说的,无疑这是一段相当严重的话,以致流泪,沉默,逃避。

十五年后,在曾经疲于迎客,伪笑满面的Massimo垂然老矣之后,在旧情人的额间已纵横深浅时,在啪啪作响的塑料纸片菜单盛行时。一切从Zanzotti的所有变迁中、从再聚的失望与指责中放大,放大,此刻佛如彼时。一边是深陷潜意识黑洞而浑然不觉的他,红酒将面色渲染;一边是已然隔岸悲伤地看着他的她,曾经精灵般的碧眼仍旧炯炯,而似乎已经很难照射到他的内心,她试图拽出他,拍醒他,back to reality。而终于,只能是他独自面对苍老——沉沦也好,好斗也好,逃避也好。

人不能逃离其个体性,同样不能避免错杂交织的社会性,并且往往后者大片大片浮游在生命之表。Christopher Reid曾经徘徊在旧情人的门口,几番游走,终被惊起的飞鸟带走。而这些,她可能永远不能知道,她有幸福的家庭,丈夫孩子,一个不错的花园。青春殁去,蜉蝣尽亡,底层全是生命的累积,而能陪你涉入其中的,除了以诗歌为外衣的灵魂了,隐喻,反讽,便是生命的终极形式。


午宴之歌The Song of Lunch(2010)



主演:艾玛·汤普森 / 艾伦·瑞克曼 / Andi Soric / 肖邦·哈里森 / 约瑟夫·朗 / Georgina Sutcliffe / Christopher Grimes / 

导演:尼亚尔·迈克考米克 / 编剧:Christopher Reid

