第一集 太空新视角
From space,the view of our planet is breath-taking . Satellites orbiting the Earth can now look down on it in absolutely extraordinary detail.
Using cameras on the ground, in the air and in space, we can tell the story of life on Earth from a brand new perspective.
At a time,when Earth’s surface is changing faster than at any point in human history, we can see just what impact we’re having.
We first went into space to discover other worlds. but it’s only when we look back that we realize just how special our home really is.
第二集 地球上的奇特形状
From high in space,we can see the familiar shapes of countries and continents.But now satellite images allow us to look closer.
Revealing our planet as a patchwork of extraordinary landscapes created by natural forces,by animals, and by us.These patterns give an insight into the health of our planet.Behind every line and every pattern,there is a story.
Human agriculture now covers more than one third of the earth’s land surface.Add to that, the space taken up by our homes, our industries and the humanity’s impact can now be seen on more than half of planet land.
For millions of years, natural forces have shaped Earth’s surface. But now, it is undoubtedly us who will decide what our home will look like in the future.
第三集 色彩缤纷的地球
From the blackness of space,our home is a blue planet. But now,satellite cameras capture a kaleidoscope of extraordinary colours, surprising and constantly changing, created by natural phenomena,by animals and by people.These colours are revealing new insight into the health of our fragile planet,transforming our understanding of our colorful home.
The view from space has forever changed the way we see our planet. Satellites give us a new perspective on its greatest and most beautiful spectacles,allowing us to make new discoveries. We can watch landscapes changes through the seasons and marvel in the scale of their transformations.Now satellites are a powerful tool with which to monitor the health of our planet. See where life is thriving,but crucially where it is under threat.And as we have a greater impact,never has it been more important to protect our colourful home.
第四集 变化中的地球
Satellite cameras can now look down on every part of our planet.Revolutionising the view of our home by combining images taken over days, weeks and years.We can see planet earth change.From space we can watch cities grow, earth’s natural resources shrink, and the weather become more extreme.As we alter the surface of the planet faster than at any time in human history. This new perspective allows us to track the speed of this change to see the impact of our actions,and inspire us to look after our fragile home.
This perspective allows us to see our home in a whole new way. Satellite cameras now help us to health check our planet.See where it is thriving,but crucially where we are upsetting its fragile balance .We can find and follow our most vulnerable species,and make new discoveries in extraordinary landscapes, transforming our understanding of the way earth works,and our place within it.This powerful new tool helps us to protect our unique and fragile planet.

从太空看地球Earth From Space(2019)



主演:切瓦特·埃加福 / 

导演:巴尼·雷维尔 /