
又名:Towards the Completion of a Poem

上映日期:2013-05-25(中国大陆) / 2011-04-09(中国台湾) / 2011-11-16(中国香港)片长:75分钟


导演:温知仪 / 


Plot Summary:What is immortal like loneliness? From Chi Lai Mountain to Berkeley, what is rising in the confusing mind - poems. Towards the Completion of a Poem rides along with the recitation of Yang Mu, unfolding the exploration towards a vast literary career. From the hesitant young man at National Hualien Senior High School, the college student debating and learning by the Dadu Mountain in Taichung, the researcher dedicated to the studies of ancient English out of persistence and curiosity at the University of Iowa, the writer comfortably absorbing western, Chinese and Taiwanese cultural resources trying to create his literary works, to the poet who is determined to work on rhyme and imagination meticulously; these moments amaze us more deeply when we read Yang Mu's works once again.\n\nYang Mu (1940-2020) was born in Hualien County, Taiwan. He received the PhD in Comparative Literature from the University of California, Berkeley. Since high school, he published using the pen-name Yeh San. He then changed his name to Yang Mu in 1972 and transformed his writing style. After moving to the United States, he tried to create narrative poems with classic and graceful phrasings, and with in-depth and timeless essence. It was pointed out in Collections of Top Ten Modern Chinese Poets that Yang Mu's poems were the presentation of a \"fulfillment of beauty\", an \"amazement of the classical\", and the \"rhythm of nature\". The recognition of locality and the consideration of reality can also be found in his poems. His style is abundant in change and profoundness, exploring the balance between tradition and modern.
和孤独同样不朽的是什么?从奇莱到柏克莱,乱石磊磊的心间正在上升完成的,是诗……   《朝向一首诗的完成》从杨牧朗诵的声音,展开对于一个庞大文学生命的追索。那个花莲中学里踟蹰的少年,大度山下论辩学习的身影,在爱荷华选读古英文的执着与好奇,乃至其穿梭于欧美、大陆与台湾的文化资源,融会知识进入文学写作的尝试,那对于音韵与想像的计较的决心,均使人重读杨牧诗文时,更深刻地重新被撼动一次。


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