
又名:第三次机会 / The Third Chance

上映日期:2017-06-17(上海电影节) / 2018-02-23(罗马尼亚)片长:108分钟

主演:康斯坦丁·弗洛雷斯库 Gabriela Soltuz Georgiana Saizescu 玛雅·摩根斯特恩 Ruxandra Porojnicu 艾丽娜·塞尔班 尼科丁·恩古里亚努 

导演:克特林·萨伊泽斯库 / 


Plot Summary:Melania, a 15 years old high school student gets pregnant with Emi, a classmate. Melania does not tell anyone she's pregnant, Not even to Emi, or to her parents. The situation is extremely complicated because Emi's mother is the director of the high school where the two lovers study, and Melania's mother is secretary at the same high school. In the fifth month of pregnancy, Melania faints during class hours. She is urgently taken to the hospital by her mother who finds her daughter is 5 months pregnant so it's too late for an abortion. Melanie's mother is forced to tell the truth to Emi's mother. Emi's mother forces Melania's mother to promise to keep the pregnancy secret to everyone, even to Emi. Minor's mothers separates the two lovers and decide to give the baby up for adoption to a family of Romanians living abroad who don't have the right to legally adopt a child from Romania. Through a corrupt clerk they found the legal framework for buying the baby from Melania and her family. ...


我是粉红豹 • 故障状况


刁刁 • 总有人需要发声,而这次是在罗马尼亚

这是一个糟糕的国家,人人都想逃离——影片里毫不避讳的说。 因为青少年教育的问题,15岁的少女怀孕早产