This meditation on cinema and censorship is astounding. Contemporary black and white footage is interspersed with clips from older films, though sometimes the transition is so seamless one can't tell when one ends and the other begins. Crude special effects are used to create a surreal atmosphere that owes a tremendous debt to Luis Bunuel, particularly Exterminating Angel and Un Chien Andalou. There's also a Kubrick tribute towards the end of the film. No amount of exposition will prepare you for this film, which truly has to be seen to be believed. Highest rating and recommendation.
  This film has many characteristics of classic cinema. It contains action, adventure, and romance. This film was made in Iran. The protagonist looks almost like Charlie Chaplain. He is given a chance to make films for the emperor. There are many scenes of people running on and off of movie screens, and in and out of old kinetiscope projectors. Some people might find this erratic, and tedious, but it helps project an idea of fantasy, or forgetting about ones problems, becoming engrossed in a film. This film is quite enjoyable, it is a sort of history of Iranian films.

电影展示出的幻想和审查是非常惊人的。现代的连续黑白影像中点缀有老电影的剪辑,有时这种转切是那么地天衣无缝以至于每人能察觉出片段的开始和结束。特殊的粗糙效果用来制造出超现实主义效果,欠了Luis Bunuel尤其是Exterminating Angel and Un Chien Andalou一大笔债。影片的结尾是向Kubrick致敬的。对这部电影,你也不能有什么解释,它只有看了之后才能相信。最高的评价和推荐。
这部电影有着经典影片的许多特点。它包括,表演,冒险和浪漫。影片来自伊朗。那些画面看起来就像是Charlie Chaplain。他有机会为皇帝制作影片。有许多场景就是人们从电影萤幕中或者摄影师的镜头中跑进跑出,有些人可能觉得这很古怪或者乏味,但是这正是创造了一种幻想的概念,或者忘记了一些问题而专注于电影中。这个片子是非常有趣的,它是伊朗电影历史的一个片段。



因为,即使tom waits,我听不懂在唱什么,我也能喜欢上呢。

伊朗电影往事ناصرالدين شاه آكتور سينما(1992)

又名:Ruzi, Ruzagari, Cinema / Nassereddin Shah, Actor-e Cinema / Once Upon a Time, Cinema / Once Upon a Time, the Movies...


主演:Akbar Abdi / Dariush Arjmand / Morteza Ahmadi / 

导演:莫森·玛克玛尔巴夫 / 编剧:Mohsen Makhmalbaf