chef很是幽默可爱 而且看他每次做不同菜式都用一种很是陶醉和享受的心情 显而易见对于cooking有一种发自内心的热爱 或许这也是Raymond Blanc's kitchen secrets中不可或缺的一点

记得chef常说的一句话 “Food is just not about flavours, it's also about textures.And flavour and texture work together to create something truly exciting.” 正是对于美食极度的热爱和完美的追求才有了现在的Raymond吧

对于像我这样对土豆爱到无以复加的人来说 第一次知道原来世界上存在着这么多不同品种的土豆吖 比如说Estima potatoes(埃斯提玛土豆) Bintje potatoes (宾吉土豆) King Edward 还有Maris piper是英国最常见也是最适合炸薯条的土豆

对于每一集的片头旁白更是听了一遍又一遍 特地摘抄下来
“For the last 35 years,renowned chef Raymond Blance has inspired the world with his cooking.It's about celebrating the gorgeous,glorious food and sharing a special moment with your loved ones.Now,he's opening his kitchen and sharing his secrets.”

还有chef在片头说得一段话 对热爱美食又是标准吃货的我来说也是一个鼓励喔
“I've made all the mistakes which could be made,so you don't have to make them yourself.Showing,with a little effect,food is so,so beautiful.Anyone can bring some joy to the dinner table,even the most complicated dish is not impossible to make.”

每次看完片头 对接下来的每一道菜品都有一种跃跃欲试地感觉 甚至想着如果可以去給chef当个小小的帮厨也不错吖 但每次看完之后又觉得一些菜品要想做成功难度还是非常大的 好在每一集的过程都是由易到难 也给了我们学习者一个循序渐进的过程

不要害怕总是做出黑暗料理 多多练习 总有人人称赞的一天吧(哈哈 其实对于我来说 最最重要的是犒劳自己和做给重要的人吃)

雷蒙德·布兰克的厨房秘密 第一季Raymond Blanc's Kitchen Secrets(2010)


主演:Raymond Blanc
