无数人类历史上顶尖聪明的人企图攻克它,从费马在书缝间写下“空白处太小了,写不下它”到真正被证明,期间三百多年的时光一晃而过。安德鲁.怀尔斯教授是幸运的,验证这个定理是他儿时的梦想,在这条路上他不断借鉴前辈同僚们的经验,经历失败、陷入死胡同、一个人保守灵感的踯躅前行,在片子中他说I've finally done it的时候,你无法不为他眼中的光芒所折服。费马大定理被证明的过程是人类智慧光芒大放异彩的过程,即使有了计算机、即使有了人工智能,人类的智慧并未在数学领域被完全替代,人之所以为人,依然是如此独特的存在。
This is the story of one man’s obsession with the world’s greatest mathematical problem.这个故事是关于一个人对于世界上最大数学难题的着迷。
安德鲁.怀尔斯教授Andrew Wiles最终解决此难题。
费马最后大定理Fermat’s last theorem
You will never find any numbers that fit this equation, if n is greater than 2. That’s what Fermat said, and what’s more, he said he could prove it. This margin is too small to contain this.费马大定理:当整数n >2时,关于x, y, z的方程 x^n + y^n = z^n 没有正整数解。
Elliptic curves were the in thing to study, but perversely, elliptic curves are neither ellipses nor curves. They are cubic curves whose solution have a shape that looks like a doughnut. Every point on the doughnut is the solution to an equation.椭圆曲线是热门研究对象,但难点在于椭圆曲线既非椭圆也非曲线。它们是三次曲线,其解的形状看起来像个甜甜圈。甜甜圈上的每个点都是某个等式的解。
Together, Taniyama and Shimura worked on the complex mathematics of modular functions. Modular forms are functions on the complex plane that are inordinately symmetric.谷山丰和志村五郎一起进行模函数方面复杂数学的研究。模形式是有着非比寻常对称性的复平面的函数。
1955年一次国际学术报告会上提出谷山-志村猜想Every elliptic curve was really a modular form in disguise.(每条椭圆曲线实为改头换面的模形式)
In fact, Taniyama-Shimura became a foundation for other theories which all came to depend on it.事实上,谷山-志村猜想成为其他依靠它而建立的理论的基础。
Andrew’s trick was to transform the elliptic curves into something called Galois representations which would make counting easier安德鲁的方法是将椭圆曲线转化为称为伽罗华表示的形式,这能使计数容易些。
岩泽Iwasawa理论:Iwasawa theory was supposed to help create something called a class number formula.岩泽理论可帮助创建出称为类数公式的东西。——马蒂亚斯.弗拉赫论文提及其生成了一个类数公式。

费马大定理Horizon: Fermat's Last Theorem(1996)

又名:费玛最后定理 / 费马最后定理


主演:Andrew Wiles / Barry Mazur / Kenneth Ribet / 

导演:西蒙·辛格 /