赢家先生 第一季:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:This new farcical comedy follows the ironically named Leslie Winner, a well-meaning optimist who frequently finds himself in the midst of chaos, through a combination of silly decisions and tough luck. However, the pressure is on now for Leslie to finally pull himself together, as he prepares for his wedding to beloved fiancé Jemma and attempts to win over his skeptical father-in-law to be. The official synopsis poses the question, by the end of the series "will Leslie be a winner or will his surname continue to be ironic?"
Leslie Winner是一个老好人,但他总是意外地自找麻烦。好在尽管如此,他还是遇到了一个爱他并且愿意忍受他的未婚妻Jemma。两人正在筹备婚礼,但为了支付度蜜月的费用,Leslie需要找个工作——于是,这幸福的笨蛋要经历重重考验:他用油漆枪装饰房子,结果搞得一塌糊涂;去参加一场紧张的面试,却穿着拖鞋;找了一份餐厅的工作,是在自动钢琴前假装演奏。Leslie究竟能不能保持不惹麻烦、成功携手Jemma 步入婚姻殿堂呢?

赢家先生 第一季的影评列表

小棍棍 • 无论你有多倒霉,爱总可以治愈一切

本来是打算给四星的,毕竟我一直以来大部分都是打四星,哈哈哈,最后却突然想打五星了。 是在整个人乱糟糟

碧海潮生 • 赢家先生——彻头彻尾的坑货如何成为人生赢家?

Leslie Winner是个废旧家具清理工,工作不稳定,时常处于待业状态,经常跟着岳父大人Chri