
阿茜头 • 人生如戏:No Title

看完对Roger Ebert又多了点喜爱。几个月前读到他对Wings of Desire的评论,仿佛扫清了自己当年初看该片时的困惑,建立了作为young filmmaker和所喜爱的导演之间的联系。这种瞬间产生的亲密感,从一定程度上受益于这位影评人。


Wings of Desire is one of those films movie critics are accused of liking because they're esoteric and difficult. "Nothing happens, but it takes two hours and there's a lot of complex symbolism," complains Peter van der Linden in a comment on the Internet Movie Database. In the fullness of time, perhaps he will return to it and see that astonishing things happen and that symbolism can only be evocative by being complex; simple symbolism is like a flag, which tells you one obvious thing very well. For myself, the film is like music or a landscape: It clears a space in my mind, and in that space I can consider questions. Some of them are asked in the film: Why am I me and why not you? Why am I here and why not there? When did time begin and where does space end? - THE GREAT MOVIES

人生如戏Life Itself(2014)


上映日期:2014-01-19(美国) / 2014-11-14(英国)片长:120分钟

主演:罗杰·艾伯特 Roger Ebert/马丁·斯科塞斯 Martin Scorsese/沃纳·赫尔佐格 Werner Herzog/查姿·艾伯特 Chaz Ebert/埃罗尔·莫里斯 Errol Morris/吉恩·西斯科尔 Gene Siskel/艾娃·德约列 Ava DuVernay/拉敏·巴哈尼 Ramin Bahrani/斯蒂芬·斯坦顿 Stephen Stanton/玛琳·西斯科尔 Marlene Siskel/A·O·斯科特 A.O. Scott

导演:斯蒂夫·詹姆斯 Steve James