All the Invisible Children

1. Tanza
Directed by Mehdi Charef
This one's about those children living as soldiers. I won't pretend to understand life like this and don't know whether the children's performance was bad or just raw. So I'd better shut up here.

2. Blue Gypsy
Directed by Emir Kusturica
My favourite one in this shit bag. Has its sad parts yet still vivid and hilarious, and most of all, the leading boy is really cute. I'll try to watch the world famous Underground when I got the chance.

3. Jesus Children of America
Directed by Spike Lee
Here comes a decent short movie. But it's so good-hollywood-film and with a stupid optimistic ending which I always despise most.

4. Bilu e João
Directed by Kátia Lund
Lovely kids, lovely little movie. It's just are they really so happy with their lives?

5. Jonathan
Directed by Jordan Scott and Ridley Scott
I wouldn't have bought this stupid pack of charity shorts if not for this particular segment, coz I'm a hopeless Thewlisian.
Ridley Scott, you are shit, and your daughter is shit. And David, I really don't want to call you that, so are you a shit collecter or what?
I'd already read some of the imdb comments before and got some sort of impression that this segment is the worst one. No, the worst is yet to come, but this one's horrible enough. When Jonathan said his last line, I was like 'OMG'. And then I tried to get what this short movie was all about, an idea went cross my mind, and I went 'ooooh myyyy God!'. A shockingly intolerably shitty movie! A waste of such a marvelous cast (why do I feel you're the weakest link again, David??)!
But I have to confess this is still my second favourite one, for the cast obviously. The little Jonathan is just soooo adorable. I've got my obsession for pale skin. And the teenage Jonathan would make such a good teenage Lupin~

6. Ciro
Directed by Stefano Veneruso
Again, it's not bad, and the shadow thing and the playground scene is kind of cool. So it's my problem. I'm not very keen on these not-so-pale children.

7. Song Song and Little Cat
Directed by John Woo
The last and the very worst. Congratulations! You've just won the competition of who's the worst director in a charity shorts production. I've never been a John Woo fan, but this one's beyond my imagination. Actually it's a success in telling people how to make a terrible movie in less than 20 minutes. It's an encyclopedia of bad elements you can ever use to attract real cheap sympathy.

I can't believe they celebrated this movie so delightedly. I'm sure none of them is an idiot. Then why? Personally I've never been into charity stuff, but is charity really meant to be cheap?

被遗忘的孩子All the Invisible Children(2005)

又名:被遗忘的天使 / 看不见的孩子 / 双双与小猫


主演:汉娜·霍德森 / 安德烈·罗佑 / 罗茜·佩雷兹 / 荷砦尔古德曼 / Coati Mundi / 兰内特·瓦雷 / 大卫·休里斯 / 凯莉·麦克唐纳 / Jordan Clarke / Jack Thompson / Jake Ritzema / 玛丽亚·格拉齐亚·库奇诺塔 / Ernesto Mahieux / 乔瓦尼·埃斯波西托 / 蒋雯丽 / 尤勇智 / 

导演:吴宇森 / 埃米尔·库斯图里卡 / 斯派克·李 / Kátia Lund / 乔丹·斯科特 / 梅迪·夏夫 / 斯特法诺·维内鲁索 / 编剧:梅迪·夏夫 Mehdi Charef/Diego De Silva/Stribor Kusturica/Cinqué Lee/Joie Lee/李樯 Qiang Li/Kátia Lund/乔丹·斯科特 Jordan Scott/Eduardo Tripa/斯蒂芬诺·维奈鲁索 Stefano Veneruso