
S • 六尺之下 第二季:Quotes

I've always wanted everybody to like me. Even though I hated myself, you had to like me. When I rebuilt my foundation, and I was able to honor and elevate the better part of me, I realized: I really like me. So you don't have to.
Waiting only gives you more time just to make excuses.
I'm so scared of having my own thoughts or going in my own direction that I need some safety or approval.
You keep everything bottled up inside you, my friend. That's not good. That creates cancer.
I see you getting your life together and it scares you. So you want to slip into the old familiar habit of focusing on someone else's drama instead of concentrating on yourself. You need to stop doing that.
Everyone comes into our life for a reason, and it is our responsibility to learn what they have to teach us.
Life is hard enough without not having people to help you through it.
--You can't be perfect all the time, Keith. --That's what life's about: striving for perfection. --And when that fails, accepting ourselves for being imperfect.
I mean, if you just take a look at your life -- you really don't have that much to be angry about.
If I don't ask you to take a ride with me, I'll regret it the rest of my life.
--Jesse always said: you gotta live every day like you might die tomorrow. Cuz you know what? --You just might.
All we have is this moment. Right here, right now. The future is just a fucking concept that we use to avoid being alive today. So... Be. Here. Now.
I figured it was better to have a total loser for a friend than to have no friends at all.
You have absolutely no idea how easy you have it. I pity you, Claire. You're under the mistaken impression that life owes you something. Well, you're in for some very harsh surprises.
Of all the lies we're fed on which we gorge in our comfort-addicted world, none is more insidious than the lie of romance, the seductive but infantile notion that somewhere there exists someone to complement us in every way -- someone who will make us complete. Of course, this illusion keeps us from ever being complete in and of ourselves, and eventually encourages us to despise our shortcomings, our flaws, everything in which our humanity lies. Our humanity, without which, of course, we are nothing.
You make no apologies for yourself.
(I just want to be ready.) Life doesn't work that way. It just dumps things in your lap and then you try to make the best of it.
People make mistakes, Nate. They don't always know why they do the things they do.
I say if life offers you a new beginning, take it.
You will never be able to see yourself the way other people see you. The way I see you. Which is a shame, cause you are... I really think you have no idea how beautiful you are.
Oh I don't need to hate you. You do a pretty damn good job of hating yourself.
I constantly cry at inappropriate moments.
She's just as precious as precious can be.
Everyone says you get out of college what you put into it, anyway.

六尺之下 第二季Six Feet Under(2002)

又名:六英尺下 / 六尺风云 第二季

主演:理查德·詹金斯 / 瑞切尔·格里菲斯 / 弗莱迪·罗德里格兹 / 彼得·克劳斯 / 劳伦·艾波罗丝 / 迈克尔·C·豪尔 / 弗兰西丝·康罗伊 / 

导演:罗德里戈·加西亚 / 编剧:Alan Ball