你好,美女Ciao Bella(2007)

又名:Mustafa/Massimo / 再见美女


主演:Poyan Karimi Chanelle Lindell 

导演:Mani Maserrat Agah / 编剧:Jens Jonsson


Plot Summary:CIAO BELLA is a film about yearning for the big love and the insane roller coaster ride of pain, tears and butterflies that comes along with it. In classic Hollywood fashion, we get to follow two teenagers on their journey... straight into each others arms. But there isn't enough time. Just one week. Sometimes life's greatest decisions have to be made at the age of sixteen. Mustafa Moradi is aching to find a girlfriend. The trouble is, girls just want him as their friend. Then suddenly he's struck by a brilliant idea: he'll simply pretend to be Italian. At Gothia Cup. And finally, a world of possibilities presents itself. On the other end of the city, Linnea is desperately searching for a guy with style, courage and a burning passion. Not an easy task for a girl living in Sweden's most tedious and ugly suburb. Who knows what would have become of her, had she not met Massimo, the most romantic Italian in the world.
Ciao Bella是一部关于寻找爱情和为爱挣扎的故事。按照好莱坞电影的传统模式,镜头跟随2个16岁的年轻人脚步发展。有时在你16岁的时候,你就面临着人生的重大抉择。Mustafa Moradi非常想有个女友,但是他认识的女孩却只把他当普通朋友。他突然想到了一个自认为聪明的法子,就是假装成浪漫的意大利人,一个充满各种可能性的世界出现了。在城市的另一端,Linnea 也在寻在着她生命的另一半,作为生活在一个很落魄社区的瑞典女孩,这可不是一件容易的事情。可是事无“绝对”,她就这么遇上了这位浪漫的意大利青年“Massimo”。


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其实总体上还是我们国内青春偶像剧的套路一样 只是这部电影里加了一些国内禁忌的话题 不管怎么样,还是很