"Love is not negotiable.
Love is a guessing game,
and that’s the beauty of it.

There are no guarantees.
It’s like diving into a pool of water
without knowing if its shallow or deep
and sure [yeah] if its shallow you end up
hurt and paralyzed from the neck down,
but if it's deep…
[you know] it's a leap of faith…
its like throwing yourself out there without
any guarantees, and that’s what life’s about.

You know those carnival games,
you know how some of them are really hard to win
and those that are super easy and everyone wins
well… that’s the difference between love and sex
Sex is the game where everyone wins a little prize
and no one goes home a loser
and Love is the game that’s really hard to win.
but if you do and you get to take home that
life size stuffed rhinoceros
and it feels a whole lot better than taking
home that little shitty plastic key chain."

What is love? Who can specify it?
Except falling in love at the first sight, does love exist in other forms?
Maybe it's when love exists in other forms that it's so difficult for us to admit or to know that we love the other.

Sex and love are separable, but sex and love are blended
for the people in the stories of this movie. That's why after sex they
argued or talked so much.

The old couple wanted so much to tell their happy and wild sex they had in their younger days to their children, but they were afraid their children wouldn't be able to accpept it. They weren't sure how their children would react to it. We, as children, date, fool around, have sex behind parents. The experiences may be good, or bad. But whether it's good or bad, we want so much to share them with our parents just as the old couple wanted to share with their children. If it's good, we want to share the happiness with them; if it's bad, we wish we could turn to them for company.

But we dare not to tell them. We conceal the experiences we care most from the ones whom we want to confide to most. We and our parents cannot open our hearts to each other. Who should be blamed for this? Why can't we take sex naturally and admit all types of sex? We all hate to be constrained by moral rules and social codes, but they are made by us. Why we human beings torture ourselves?

性爱之后After Sex(2007)



主演:米拉·库妮丝 Mila Kunis/简·西摩尔 Jane Seymour/埃曼纽尔·施莱琪 Emmanuelle Chriqui/马克·布鲁卡斯 Marc Blucas/霍塞·帕布罗·坎蒂罗 Jose Pablo Cantillo/James DeBello/诺尔·费舍 Noel Fisher/戴夫·弗兰科 Dave Franco

导演:Eric Amadio编剧:Eric Amadio