庞贝城的末日The Last Days of Pompeii(1984)


主演:Ned Beatty Ernest Borgnine Olivia Hussey 

导演:Peter R. Hunt / 编剧:Edward George


Plot Summary:The different aspects of life in Pompeii, a coastal luxury resort near Naples catering for the very rich of imperial Rome, mainly before but culminating in the eruption of the Vesuvian volcano, which wipes it from the face of the Earth. The residents of Pompeii include Diomed, a common upstart merchant whose self-made riches from trade allow him to consider running for political office against sitting city magistrate Quintus and an impoverished aristocratic marriage for his daughter Julia; the cultivated Greek Glaucus; the gladiator Lydon; the noble-born Antonius and his sister Ione, the evil Isis-priest Arbaces who is after (their) money and power; the persecution-fearing Christian slaves Petrus, his true love Chloe, and their secret leader Olinthus.


天山隐士 • 震撼的片头曲、美丽的壁画,群星璀璨,情节紧张

小时候在《正大剧场》和《原声影院》播出过,被分割成了无数个小片段,是3小时的电影。 我费了九牛二虎之

不肯栖寒枝 • 观《庞贝末日》随感

对于庞贝这个名字,我是没什么好感的! 记得斯巴达克斯在斗兽场中赢得胜利