这是导演Emmanuel Osei-Kuffour Jr.第一次执导的片子《黑盒子》(“Black Box”),探讨的是人生的记忆。 马莫多·阿西扮演的是男主诺兰,他和妻子遭遇车祸、妻子亡故而他长期失眠、无法与女儿沟通。

女儿为他的父亲做了很多备忘贴,帖子房子各处提醒父亲如何应付家中琐事。。。然而诺兰对自身和他妻子之间存在很多疑问。。。这不禁让他及其想知道当年他是怎么样的丈夫。。。。此后诺兰找到神经科专家Lillian ( 菲利西亚·拉斯海德) 提供一些实验性的治疗 黑盒子("black box"), 这可能让诺兰选择性滴重温他的记忆片段、从而解析自己的记忆。 可是,当诺兰重访他的生命中重要节点时:新婚之夜、重访故居。。。 他开始看到一些诡异的影像:变形、面目空洞的人物,如蜘蛛一般迫近的怪物。。。。

Emmanuel Osei-Kuffour Jr.和史蒂文 赫曼笔下《黑盒子》的故事介于科幻与普通恐怖惊悚之间。。。 观者从主人公视角出发,自细微之处发现蹊跷。。。。直至最终惊悚的真相暴露出来。


The lo-fi surreality of "Black Box" blossoms with an excellent and twisty third act, one that playswith the confines of this science but also adds gripping nuances about memory and identity. Nolan's memories of being a father and a husband are not just the good ones, and the script earns painful moments you might have never thought it would go for when you first hit Play. It’s an exhilarating type ofsci-fi indie that sets its own rules, and by the climax you’re following along as it reaches grandiose themes on its own terms. If you described certain scenes out of context, it would be incredibly confusing; in Osei-Kuffour Jr.'s confident hands, they're like bizarre bits of theaterthat further show how unique "Black Box" is.


It takes a special mix of ingenuity and daring to actualize a project like this, something that Osei-Kuffour Jr.'sunmistakable influence and inevitable peer Chris Nolan, has proven in the past.When you watch a debut like “Black Box,” you just know that the director is going to be around for a while.


黑盒子Black Box(2020)

又名:Welcome to the Blumhouse: Black Box


主演:马莫多·阿西 / 菲利西亚·拉斯海德 / 阿曼达·克里斯汀 / 托辛·莫罗洪福拉 / 夏尔曼·宾瓦 / 特洛伊·詹姆斯 / 韩·索托 / 安德烈·科恩 / 格蕾琴·科尔纳 / 唐纳德·艾丽斯·沃特金斯 / 纳贾·布雷德利 / 纳娅·玛莉·约翰逊 / 克丽丝特尔·瑞伊 / 贝茜·波雷戈 / 贾斯汀·戴维 / 

导演:伊曼纽·奥塞·库佛 /