Fine art in video format. I think I just have a soft spot for film essay, and this basically seems like Godard on Chris Marker mode. It’s interesting how the structure of this kinda acts as an interactive experiment on the audience, to which the exploration of the image-sound relation is moreso asked and presented, rather than being evaluated. The film is assembled in a way where the concatenation of every scene is constantly canceling itself out and being replaced by something else. This sort of rhythm and pure structuralist demand reflects on a larger scale of Godard’s values, which I believe is much more effective than going about from a traditional filmmaking approach.

The entire idea of being in two ‘presents’ is also refreshing. There’s ways we occupy and capture mutiple spaces at a time, and being aware of that makes us more sensible towards what’s happening to ourselves and around us. [Learn to see here, in order to hear elsewhere. Learn to hear yourself speak to see what others do. Others are the ‘elsewhere’ to our ‘here’.]

此处与彼处Ici et ailleurs(1976)

又名:Here and Elsewhere


主演:让-吕克·戈达尔 / 

导演:让-吕克·戈达尔 / 让-皮埃尔·戈兰 / Groupe Dziga Vertov / 安娜-玛丽·米埃维尔 / 编剧:Jean-Luc Godard/Jean-Pierre Gorin/Groupe Dziga Vertov/Anne-Marie Miéville