The music, daily life scenes, and the composing process of Philip Glass in the documentary, sometimes is very clear and sometimes blurred. Maybe anybody’s life divided into twelve parts will be trivial. Anyway, after watching this documentary, I just want to note some feelings down in case of that I would forget the impulsive passionate feeling to write something. In addition, before I squeezed this disc into the drive, I just finish watching the Amadeus about Mozart. One is quite ideal recreation of the genius musician, made in 1984 though, it’s bravo, magnificent and exhilarating. I find the music swirling around my ears and even penetrated into the ambience like it’s part of the air. But the other is about the daily life of a modern composer which make the composing process less mysterious as from the spontaneous inspiration of the Lord. It depicted the daily life of Philip Glass, and the average working conditions. It’s still very charming. I have to say, Master is master. I cannot deny the artistic power was so gigantic , appeared to be overwhelming, just flow down from the magic pencil. As far as I can understand, it’s not so easy to deal with the creating stuffs, Philip Glass seems to working all the time, as his wife had complained, there’s always working vacations.

Somehow, though he seems to be very talented, famous, happy and passionate. I always could see the lonely feelings through his benevolent smiling. If his wife is right that music is his language, his therapy and there must be some inner pain which push him to work hard, to search for something different. When I came up with this thought, the answer in my mind is his ex-wife Candy who passed away because of liver cancer.. She is an magic artist in the description of their fellows. Especially, I remembered that she picked up a squashed can and photographed it in certain form. It suddenly became an aesthetic item rather than rubbish. Philip Glass has lost his beloved one, I thought there part of his world was collapsed though he met with another girl who became his wife now and has lovely sons. To think about an artist’s creation propulsion in this way is too gossip to some extent. But I do think so.

In addition, I do feel it’s a little reluctant that the director even screening at the time Glass was making pizzas and compelled to talk about the abstract things, it’s weird because he is a normal person anyway. And the Indian factor in his music was attractive and the repetitive rhythm do touch one’s heart in wonderful arrange. The open-minded attitude is the source of different music, the collision in the western culture and eastern culture do cultivate splendid outcomes.

ps: The monochrome photographs were amazing.

格拉斯十二乐章Glass: A Portrait of Philip in Twelve Parts(2007)


主演:菲利普·格拉斯 Philip Glass/埃罗尔·莫里斯 Errol Morris/Chuck Close/斯科特·希克斯 Scott Hicks

导演:Scott Hicks