

And with a smart kid like you,they would be stupid not to put you on the fast track to management.
So, instead of transferring to a four-year college,you'll buy that car you really wanted,and you'll start going to bars on the weekends,and of course you'll meet a girl.
And she's probably not all that stimulating,but she fucks you on the first date,which blows your mind.
But hey, you got a car.You've got money in your pocket.Why shouldn't she?
So you start dating and you find that you share none of the same interests,
and maybe she drinks a little bit too much,but you can't get over the fact that you're getting laid consistently.
So one night after a few too many,the condom slips off,or breaks and she gets pregnant.
Abortion is an option,but she really doesn't want to get rid of it,but there's really nothing you and do.
So then you wake up one morning,and all of a sudden you're forty- five years old with three kids and the faint memories of some faint ambitions you had when you were younger.
You try to remember what they were, but you can't.
But what does it matter.The kids are crying,your wife won't wake up,cause she's hung over from the night before,

远离巴斯图Leaving Barstow(2008)



主演:Michelle Clunie/Ryan Michelle Bathe/Ryan Carnes/Kevin Sheridan/Marques Ray

导演:Peter Paige编剧:Kevin Sheridan