--"Anyway,the say that life is like a roller-coaster.Now,some people,they have a grand old time,some people cry and scream thier heads off,some just vomit,and others close their eyes and try make the whole world disappear. "
--"I know!The ride's what you make of it.You've just got to enjoy the roller-coaster."
"I'm trying to tell you that the fair has more than one ride.You don't have to be on the roller-coaster!You can go on the ...the teacups or the Ferris wheel,or the whack-a-mole.So,today,Andy,I'm going to buy you a new ticket to get on a different ride.And you'd better fucking use it. "
——这是第二季最后一集触动到我的地方,原来很多时候都是自己把自己逼上迷途,为什么就不换个方向,换种方式呢?Fucking enjoy the process, I just wanna happy experiences.

废柴舅舅 第二季Uncle(2015)

主演:尼克·赫尔姆 Nick Helm/埃利奥特·斯佩勒-吉洛特 Elliot Speller-Gillott

导演:奥利弗·瑞佛森 Oliver Refson编剧:奥利弗·瑞佛森 Oliver Refson