【Season2 Episode 1】
「I've discovered something about myself. → Honesty is the best policy? → I like telling people what to do.」

【Season2 Episode 2】
「Errol's a great kid. Like a little Stephen Hawking. → It is his voice.」

「I like my clothes like I like my men, slightly damaged.」

【Season2 Episode 3】
「What's that? → It's a rusty trombone.」

「Just because you came out of my vagina, it doesn't mean you can control who goes in it!」

「He sounds like a chainsaw fucking another chainsaw.」

【Season2 Episode 5】
「Always take the piss out of life before life takes the piss out of you.」

「I'd love to interview you for my dissertation. → What's it about? → Antisocial Personality Disorder.」

【Season2 Episode 6】
「I'm going to be living on the street, selling my body for cash.

No shame in that. Prostitution's one of the oldest professions.」

废柴舅舅 第二季Uncle(2015)

主演:尼克·赫尔姆 / 埃利奥特·斯佩勒-吉洛特 / 

导演:奥利弗·瑞佛森 / 编剧:奥利弗·瑞佛森 Oliver Refson