
又名:Omen / 恶兆


主演:Kavee Tunjararak Woravej Danuwong Apichat Kittikornjarean 

导演:Thummarak Kamukmanote / 编剧:Oxide Pang Chun/彭发 Danny Pang


Plot Summary:A seemingly ordinary day ends up changing the lives of three youngsters: Beem, Dan, and Big, who work in a magazine art department. Ending this particular day with a quarrel, each storms home in anger and encounters an unexplainable event. Dan becomes haunted with the image of an old woman standing in front of him. Big feels the wind stronger than ever before while he driving, and a boy selling garlands suddenly pops up in the side mirror, an omen of something...but what? Beem meets a girl- Oam- who appears normal but becomes overly familiar with him so quickly that it seems strange. It soon becomes apparent that one of the trio is destined to die- but who? Can the other two help prevent their friend's death? And what is the connection between the old woman, the garland seller and Oam?
比姆、比格和丹三个男青年在一家杂志社工作,某天回家途中,比姆遇见了一位姑娘,比格见到了一个卖花小孩,丹则遇到了一位满面皱纹的老妇人。随后他们的生命中发生了非常奇怪而又难以解释的转变,最可怕的是神秘迹象表明他们当中的一个即将暴卒。他们最后发现,在轮回的世界里,今天发生的一切要上溯到1917年……   这部影片是导演的处女作,但制片人和编剧却是在华语影坛也颇有名气的彭顺、彭发兄弟。影片无论从节奏还是影像,都十分接近一部香港电影。最有趣的是,片中三位男演员,分别和香港的刘青云、冯德伦、徐少雄相貌酷似。影片在渲染悬疑气氛、设计细节伏笔方面,都称得上熟练精到,显示出泰国商业电影的制作水准已经达到了亚洲范围内的较高层次。泰国独有的宗教神话传统和文化特点,使得泰国的灵异电影足以成为世界影坛的一株奇葩。


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[预兆/恶兆 Omen][泰国][2003][恐怖/惊悚/悬疑] http://www.fckb.n