第三只眼 2Mata Batin 2(2019)

又名:The Third Eye 2


主演:Jessica Mila Nabilah Ratna Ayu Azalia 索菲娅·拉特朱巴 

导演:Rocky Soraya / 编剧:Riheam Junianti/Rocky Soraya/Fajar Umbara

第三只眼 2:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:After her sister died, Alia decides to start a new life by living in an orphanage owned by Mrs Laksmi and Mr Fadli as well as doing social work there. But Alia feels something wrong with the orphanage. Moreover, Nadia, one of the orphanage who apparently also has an inner eyes like Alia, can hears mysterious voices asking for help from all over the walls of the house. Alia and Nadia open a mysterious locked room. Since then disasters begin. It turns out that Alia and Nadia had made a big mistake and releases Darmah, a vengeful spirit that was deliberately locked in the room. Together with Mrs Windu, the paranormal and mentor of her inner eyes, Alia must confront Darmah and save the orphanage.

第三只眼 2的影评列表

猫猫 • 破狗尾续狗尾,越来越破。

2019年,恐怖电影《第三只眼 2 | Mata Batin 2》 这已经开始按照电视剧的模式了吗

塵封ぷ解夏夢 • 一个宽恕与原谅的故事
