Of cause “The True Cost” is a good movie, it enlightens me a lot.
What is the true cost of fast fashion and the global supply chain? The movie tells us the true cost is not just the figures on papers, but the problem of environmental burden, labor survival, and human rights. It should be concerned that fast fashion brings a huge amount of waste and pollution.
However, is the consumerism the one should be blamed? Are the greedy international groups and fanatical consumers the initiator of sin?
Actually, the problem of the commercial chain of the clothing industry is the epitome of the globalization problem caused by the neoliberal economic system, it is the class exploitation and oppression in the era of globalization.
I was thinking about this question when I watch the movie: will these poor workers live a better life without these blood factories?
My answer is absolutely no, for those who say yes, they are most likely the innocents who know nothing about famine and poverty. The workers’ life is tragic, but there will be more tragic things without those blood factories, they stay in the factory because they have no other choice.
Yes, no other choice, that is the biggest tragedy, the biggest tragedy for an undeveloped country, who struggles to start their industrialization.
The beginning of industrialization is always full of blood and tears and pollution, don’t forget the sorrow of British textile workers in the eighteenth century, don’t forget the bones of thousands of Chinese workers buried under the Pacific Railway, don’t forget the shouts during the May 1st strike. The only difference is most of the tears and blood for the western countries to launch industrialization came from the colonial system.
The process of capital accumulation is always so cruel. What you saw in the movie is only part of this cruel progress. Someone in the movie advocated a more rational distribution of profits between developed countries and developing countries. It is an idyllic dream. Will advocator give me 1000 dollars now? No, because he really has 1000 dollars.
Industrialization is the only viable solution available for those poor countries to escape from poverty in the long term. Facing such a difficult task, should they give up industrialization? Absolutely no, they have no choice.
Don’t condemn the girls who showed off the sweeping results on YouTube, Put away your cheap mercy, do something if you really care about the true cost, take actions to help the developing countries to develop, vote for a candidate who is willing to establish a fairer global economic system, promote more multinational companies to help developing countries build more advanced industries, more standardized production processes, and achieve real development, so that the world cloud be prosperous and developing together.
The problems in development could be solved only in the progress of develop that is exactly what we should do.
PS. It is ridiculous the woman takes the opportunity to advertisement her own expensive organic agriculture products. People are suffering so we shouldn’t use pesticides and fertilizers? It makes no sense. Are organic products affordable for poor people? Don’t she know millions of poor people will starve to death without the modern agriculture system? What she wants is only to promote the middle-class innocents in the cities to pay more for their relief. The discussion about organic food is the failure of this movie, make me doubt the true motive of this movie.

真正的成本The True Cost(2015)



主演:利维亚·吉吉丽 / Stella McCartney / 

导演:Andrew Morgan / 编剧:Andrew Morgan
