What is the true cost of our economy?

GDP is merely calculated by things in *people economy* that can be *traded*. There is also the nature economy that is not being considered in the definition of *development*.

The whole world needs a revolution of values.
The globalization now is the globalization of the problematic values - the consumer capitalism that things can be bought and sold can satisfy you and make you happy. The commercials/advertisements are propaganda, no different from fasist propaganda.

Trade is good, but everything needs balance. Any trade always has winners and losers.
We need local resilience by having unique culture, agriculture and food system that's not dependent on others, connecting people, community and lands, while enjoying the benefits of trade for alternative options of goods.

The true cost of our economy needs to be defined in a way that takes into account the 1) environmental cost/pollution - all these years the negative externalities accumulated have caused climate change, 2) health of human and all other beings, 3) human capital, basic needs (such as education), 4) equality of respect and dignity.

Why do we need to change? Why now?
We are part of the nature and our imbalances with the nature and with our fellow humans will in the end destroy us - either in the form of ecological crises or humanity crises - but both are due to human activities in this anthropocene age.

We need revolution of values. Consumer capitalism that is expanding globally by globalization that is exporting this value has huge negative impacts in three aspects - the spiritual impoverishment of the rich, the ecological debt paid to the developing world, the physical impoverishment of the poor with less resources and power.

If we redefine our goal, if the goal is happiness, the rich are not rich at all, but actually the poorest of all. No one is benefiting from this techno economic paradigm (consumer capitalism + technology can solve).

真正的成本The True Cost(2015)



主演:利维亚·吉吉丽 Livia Giuggioli/Stella McCartney

导演:Andrew Morgan编剧:Andrew Morgan
