操作系统革命Revolution OS(2001)


主演:Richard M. Stallman Linus Torvalds 

导演:J.T.S. Moore / 


Plot Summary:While Microsoft may be the biggest software company in the world, not every computer user is a fan of their products, or their way of doing business. While Microsoft's Windows became the most widely used operating system for personal computers in the world, many experts took issue with Microsoft's strict policies regarding licensing, ownership, distribution, and alteration of their software. The objections of many high-profile technology experts, most notably Richard Stallman, led to what has become known as "the Open Source Movement," which is centered on the belief that computer software should be free both in the economic and intellectual senses of the word. Eventually, one of Stallman's admirers, Linus Torvalds, created a new operating system called Linux, a freely distributed software which many programmers consider to be markedly superior to Windows. Revolution OS is a documentary that examines the genesis of the Open Source Movement, and explores and explains the technical and intellectual issues involved in a manner understandable to computer aficionados and non-techheads alike.


時雨 • 一个CS本科生的影评

1.片子很好 2.谈谈自己对自由软件,专有商业软件的理解: 对于电影里面的大神,我是崇拜的五体投地的

静听岁月 • 自由软件与苏联共产主义没有半毛钱相似


nash635 • 强烈推荐这部电影以及他的姊妹篇《code》

与其说是电影,倒不如说这是一部纪录片,其中记录了Linux的创建人Linus Torv

Fenng • 操作系统的革命(Revolution OS)

Revolution OS, 枯燥而有趣的一部电影。 虽说这片子从头到尾几乎都是对众多顶级黑客的采