

主演:Richard Condie Muriel Hogue Leonard Waldner 

导演:科德尔·巴克 / 


Plot Summary:A train may be racing toward a crash with a cow. The engineer, who calls himself captain and poses in Napoleon hat and uniform with epaulets, is distracted by a lady who enters the engine car looking for a small, black dog. The captain accompanies her back through a car of swells in top hats. The fireman, a small and polite but dutiful man, sees danger ahead and searches for the captain. The train is low on fuel with a high mountain in front and a ruined behind, so the fireman calls on the passengers to donate fuel. The swells negotiate with a carload of revelers, so all might end well. But what of the captain, lady, dog, and cow?
寂静乡间,远处的地平线上,一头优哉游哉的老牛正慢慢地沿着铁路行进。不远处,一列老式的蒸汽火车载着慢慢的游客飞逝而来。有的车厢坐着仪态优雅的绅士,他们安静矜持,仪表堂堂;有的车厢坐着聒噪吵闹的老百姓,他们和动物杂处,气味难闻。车头处,瘦高个的列车长熟练自如地操纵眼前的按钮和手柄,旁边矮个助手则忙碌地将煤铲入炉子内。一名美丽女士走入车头,车长被她所吸引,离开了岗位。   而就在此时,列车撞到了奶牛,以全然失控的态势狂奔。助手惊慌失措,他到处都找不到列车长,只有她一个人做最顽强最徒劳的抵抗……


火柴人 • 社会系统像火车,抵诱惑努力干建福利最重要—评动画短片《火车快飞》

社会系统像火车,抵诱惑努力干建福利最重要—评动画短片《火车快飞》 作者 火柴人 看完加拿大动画短片《

night call
night call • 摘抄评论

摘抄评论: Space Man my analysis: the video represents

/星星点灯 • 重点解读:《火车快飞》片中出现的这只奶牛

森森大军影评人 讲师 编剧 火车快飞 回答影迷提出的以下问题 1 本片奶牛有何隐喻,象征了什么?为何