##A Vulcan that roams the world for two centuries
This is like ``the Man from Earth'', except this time this man is not from Earth, but Vulcan.
I can't imagine what impact he would have on the world. He could have invented bitcoins, built himself a commercial empire (like SpaceY), proved Riemann Hypothesis, and combine relativity with quantum theory.

星际旅行:进取号 第二季Star trek:Enterprise(2002)

又名:星际迷航:企业号 第二季 / 星空奇遇记(港):进取号 第二季 / 星际争霸战(台):进取号 第二季 / 星舰奇航记:进取号 第二季 / 星舰迷航:进取号 第二季

主演:Scott Bakula / Dominic Keating / Jolene Blalock / 

导演:未知编剧:Rick Berman/Brannon Braga