鼬鼠的蛮荒故事El cuento de las comadrejas(2019)

又名:无定向丧心老友记(港) / The Weasel's Tale

上映日期:2019-05-16(阿根廷) / 2019-07-12(西班牙)片长:129分钟

主演:格拉谢拉·博尔赫斯 奥斯卡·马丁内兹 路易斯·布兰多尼 卢兹·西普里奥塔 克拉拉·拉戈 Marcos Mundstock Ayelén Dotti Alex Scott Manuel Martínez Sobrado Nicolás Francella Maru Zapata Anwar Yoma Nicolás Fiore Adriana Garibaldi Dana Gabriela Basso Marcela Cristina Morales 

导演:胡安·何塞·坎帕内利亚 / 编剧:胡安·何塞·坎帕内利亚 Juan José Campanella/Augusto Giustozzi/Darren Kloomok/José A. Martínez Suárez


Plot Summary:A group of four old friends conformed by a film director, a film writer, an actress and her husband share a big house in the country. Their coexistence is menaced by a young couple who resourcefully and deceitfully seek to get them to sell the house to develop a real estate project of their own.


浮绘·半夏 • 依旧碎碎念

配乐好老派啊~让我一下子想起《爱丽丝梦游仙境》,又神秘又浪漫的感觉。 配音依然拉胯 男主有一