所以想了解关于英国人判断:什么样的园林才是好的园林。这一点,需要有点肚量,然后看《英国花园》British Gardens In Time (2014)豆瓣链接http://movie.douban.com/subject/25863078/。当然如果你是个民族情节沉重以至于觉得全世界都欠着我爷爷的谷子没有还,心里不爽伤不起那就直接看下面文字。
起源是法国人在那做国王,所以英国流行学法国的园子《法国花园》Monty Don's French Gardens (2013)豆瓣链接http://movie.douban.com/subject/24748576/。体会一把大面积的水域喷泉和全世界最漂亮的东西以最暴发户的气势展示出来。
因为法国人的园子是意大利学来的,而意大利最起初是在学古希腊的理性几何是最美和古罗马的权利控制一切。所以你可以看看《意大利花园》Monty Don's Italian Gardens (2011)豆瓣链接http://movie.douban.com/subject/6866813/讲文艺复兴的理性,然后教皇候选人的野心对权利象征的水流的控制,巴洛克的浮华雕像,到后面就是洛可可的矫饰了。每一个花园的风格配上对应风格的音乐——古典时期巴赫的大键琴,巴洛克是莫扎特的小提琴,你们感受一下。



Early life 早年经历
Monty Don was born in Berlin, to British parents, Denis T. K. Don, a career soldier posted in Germany, and Janet Montagu (née Wyatt).
Both of his paternal grandparents were Scottish, through whom he is descended from the Keiller family of Dundee, inventors of ship marmalade in 1797.
Meanwhile, on his maternal side, he is descended from the Wyatts, who were a prominent dynasty of architects.
Both parents died in the 1980s.
Don has a twin sister, an elder brother David, and two other siblings. His twin suffered a broken neck in a car crash, aged 19.
Don was educated at three independent schools: Quidhampton School in Basingstoke, Hampshire唐有三段独立的学校生活:英国汉普郡的小镇贝辛斯脱克的Quidhampton
Bigshotte School in Wokingham, Berkshire柏克郡的Bigshotte
and at Malvern College in Malvern, Worcestershire, a college he hated.以及他最讨厌的乌斯特郡的莫尔文的Malvern
He then attended a state comprehensive school, the Vyne School, in Hampshire. 然后他去了汉普郡的社区学校vyne。
He failed his A levels and while studying for re-takes at night school, worked on a building site and a pig farm by day.因为成绩不是太好,所以他白天在建筑工地和农场工作,同时在夜校复读。
During his childhood he had become an avid gardener and farmer. He determined to go to Cambridge out of "sheer bloody-mindedness", attending Magdalene College, where he read English and met his future wife Sarah.因为童年非常想成为园丁或者农民,最终他去了剑桥的麦格达伦学院。他在那里学习并且遇到了未来的妻子萨拉。

In the 1980s, Don and his wife formed a successful company that made and sold costume jewellery under the name Monty Don Jewellery. 80年代的时候,唐和妻子成立了一家成功的公司,叫蒙特唐珠宝,卖服装装饰物(或者人造珠宝)。
The collapse of the company in the early 1990s prompted him to embark on a career in writing and broadcasting.90年代公司的倒闭让他开始从事写作和广播事业。
He has written about the rise and collapse of their business in The Jewel Garden, an autobiographical book written with his wife.他写了一本自传体的《珠宝花园》,内容是他经商之路的跌宕起伏。 "We were lambs to the slaughter and we lost everything, [...] we lost our house, our business. We sold every stick of furniture we had at Leominster market,” he wrote. He was unemployed from 1991 to 1993.“人为刀俎我为鱼肉,我们失去了所有的东西,……失去了房子、事业、片瓦不留,”他写道。他在91年到93年都处于失业中。
Don's first TV work came as the presenter of a gardening segment on breakfast show This Morning. 唐的第一份工作,来自早餐秀节目《今晨》的园艺时段。
He featured as a guest presenter for the BBC's Holiday programme. 他在BBC的节目《假日》中作为嘉宾主持而形成了自己的风格。
He went on to present several Channel 4 land and gardening series: Don Roaming, Fork to Fork, Real Gardens and Lost Gardens, and wrote a regular weekly gardening column for The Observer between February 1994 and May 2006.他继续主持了4频道的国土和园艺系列:《唐的旅程》、《一程又一程》、《真正的花园与逝去的花园》,从94年2月到06年5月为《观察者报》每周专园艺专栏的供稿。
Don had never received formal training as a gardener.唐从来没有接受过正式的园丁培训。
He commented, "I was – am – an amateur gardener and a professional writer. My only authority came from a lifetime of gardening and a passion amounting to an obsession for my own garden."他评价道:“我曾经是——现在也是一个业余的园丁和专业的作者。我的专业性只来源于我的种植生涯和观察自家花园的热情。”
He is a keen proponent of organic gardening and the practice of organic techniques, to some extent, features in all of his published work. 他是有机园林以及有机技术实践的热忱支持者,在某种程度上,在他公共工作中占重要位置。
The organic approach is most prominent in his 2003 book The Complete Gardener.有机方法在他03年的书《完整的园丁》占有重要地位。

Don was the main presenter on BBC Two's Gardeners' World from 2003 to 2008 succeeding Alan Titchmarsh. 唐是继 Alan Titchmarsh之后BBC两季《园艺世界》的主持人。
He was the first self-taught horticulturist presenter in the show's 36-year history, stepping down only after suffering a minor stroke. 他是该节目36年历史上的首位自学成才的园艺家主持人,但是因为一次中风的小发作退了下来。
After viewing figures for Gardener's World fell[10] below two million for the first time in 2009,[11] in January 2010, changes were announced to the programme in an attempt to entice viewers back. 09年《园艺世界》收视率有史以来第一次跌破200百万,在10年1月节目组宣布为了吸引收视率需要作出改变。
In December 2010, it was announced that Don would be returning to the programme as lead presenter for the 2011 series, replacing Toby Buckland.[13][14] Reaction to the announcement was divided on the programme's blog.[15] 10年12月节目组宣布唐将回归节目组代替 Toby Buckland。但是节目组的博客却就此出现了分歧。
Since March 2011 he has been presenting the programme from his own garden (called Longmeadow) in Herefordshire.11年5月起,唐主持了来自于他自己在赫里福特郡的花园(叫朗梅多)的节目。
Don featured in the BBC programme and book, Growing out of Trouble,in which several heroin addicts manage a 6-acre (24,000 m2) Herefordshire smallholding in an attempt at rehabilitation.唐在BBC出版的节目和书《成长,以摆脱困境》 中起到了重要作用,书中几位海洛因依赖者在赫里福特郡管理了一片6英亩(24000平方米)的小农场,以达到康复目的。
He also presented Around the World in 80 Gardens (BBC Two 27 January – 30 March 2008) and in December 2008, narrated a programme about the cork oak forests of Portugal, for the BBC's natural history series Natural World.他也主持了《在80个花园环游世界(又译作世界80花园,或花花世界)》(BBC Two 08年一月27至5月20日),在08年12月,给BBC自然历史系列中《自然世界》 中关于葡萄牙栓皮栎木森林的一期节目配制了旁白。
He presented My Dream Farm, a series which helped people learn to become successful smallholders (Channel 4, January 2010) and Mastercrafts, a six-part series for BBC Two, which celebrated six traditional British crafts.他主持了帮助人们成为成功的农场主和手艺人的节《我梦中的农场》(4频道,10年1月)以及BBC 2频道讲述英国著名的6种手工艺技术的6集系列纪录片。
He has twice been a panellist on the BBC's Question Time(February 2009 and March 2010) and his family history was the subject of the fourth programme in the seventh series of the BBC genealogy programme Who Do You Think You Are? (August 2010). 他在BBC《问题时间》(09年2月和10年5月)担任了两届组委,而他的家族史在BBC 7集宗谱系列节目《你以为你是谁?》(10年8月)中作为主题讨论。
In April 2011 Don presented Italian Gardens, a four-part BBC2 series which was accompanied by the publication of a book. In February 2013, a companion series, Monty Don's French Gardens, was broadcast.[23]11年4月唐主持了BBC2台的4集节目《意大利花园》并且出版成书,13年播出了姊妹篇《蒙顿唐的法国花园》。
In late 2008 Don became President of the Soil Association and is a Patron of Bees for Development Trust.[24]在08年底唐成为了英国土壤协会的主席,而且还是蜜蜂发展协会基金的赞助人。
In 2013, Don presented an episode of Great British Garden Revival.13年唐在《大不列颠园艺复兴》中主持了一段。

Personal life个人生活
Don and Sarah married in 1983 and have three children. 唐和萨拉在83年结婚,由3个孩子。
The couple lived in Islington, North London while Don pursued postgraduate study at theLondon School of Economics, worked as a waiter at Joe Allen restaurant in Covent Garden and later as a dustman, and completed two unpublished novels. 夫妇俩住在伦敦北部的伊斯灵顿的时候唐在伦敦政经大学的研究生学习,同时在伦敦中心区广场上的Joe Allen餐馆做侍者后来是做清洁工。
Meanwhile Sarah trained as a jeweller.同时萨拉在接受珠宝商培训。
Don has written of his struggle with depression since the age of 25[25] and Seasonal Affective Disorder. 唐记录下了他从25岁开始的与抑郁症和季节性情感障碍的抗争。
He describes in his memoir "great spans of muddy time" in which there is nothing but depression.他在回忆录中描述“在泥泞的时间中穿行”在其中的时候除了抑郁没有别的。
He noted "'Earth heals me better than any medicine".他写道,对我而言,土地比任何机器的治疗功效都更好。
He has had cognitive behavioural therapy and took Prozac before favouring a lightbox, now a recognised aid for Seasonal Affective Disorder sufferers. He had peritonitis in 2007 and a minor stroke in 2008.在……(这段不认识)之前他接受过认知行为治疗和服用百忧解。现在他被认可为季节性情感障碍的帮助者。07年患过腹膜炎,08年有一次小中风。
He lives near Ivington, Herefordshire, England, and has lived in Herefordshire for over 20 years.他在赫里福德郡的Ivington,他已经在赫里福德郡生活了

• 1990: The Prickotty Bush 灌木Prickotty
• 1995: The Weekend Gardener 周末园丁
• 1997: The Sensuous Garden 美感花园
• 1998: Gardening Mad 疯狂造园
• 2003: The Complete Gardener 完整造园
• 2003: From the Garden to the Table: Growing, Cooking, and Eating Your Own Food
• 2004: The Jewel Garden (Hodder & Stoughton), with Sarah Don 珠宝花园
• 2005: Gardening From Berryfields 浆果花园的种植
• 2006: Fork to Fork 一程又一程
• 2006: Growing out of Trouble 成长以摆脱困境
• 2006: My Roots: A Decade in the Garden
• 2008: Around the World in 80 Gardens 花花世界
• 2009: The Ivington Diaries Ivington日记
• 2010: My Dream Farm 我梦中的农场
• 2011: Italian Gardens 意大利花园
• 2013: The Road to Le Tholonet: A French Garden Journey
通往Le Tholonet的路——法国花园之旅

2014: French Gardens 法国花园



花花世界Around The World In 80 Gardens(2008)

又名:BBC花花世界 / 世界八十园林 / 世界园林游记

主演:Monty Don / 
