咖啡镇Coffee Town(2013)


主演:格伦·豪尔顿 史蒂夫·李特 本·施瓦茨 阿德琳妮·帕里奇 乔许·葛洛班 乔什·佩里 

导演:布拉德·科普兰 / 编剧:布拉德·科普兰 Brad Copeland


Plot Summary:Will (Glenn Howerton) is a 30-something website manager who uses local café, Coffee Town, as his office. When the owners of the shop discuss plans to convert Coffee Town into a bar, Will enlists the help of his two best friends Chad and Gino (Steve Little and Ben Schwartz) to save his freeloading existence. In order to thwart the plans of Coffee Town's owners, the trio stages a robbery to create the illusion of an unsafe neighborhood not suitable for the proposed venue. Also standing in their way is Sam (Josh Groban), a disgruntled barista with delusions of grandeur-he wants to be a rock star-and Will's heartache over unrequited love for Becca (Adrianne Palicki).
威尔(格伦·霍顿 Glenn Howerton 饰)经营着一家咖啡店,因为行业不景气,店主决定收回铺子,将咖啡店改造成一间酒吧,以赚取更多的利润。为了留住自己赖以生存的店铺,威尔决定反击。他找到了好友查得(史蒂夫·李特 Steve Little 饰)和基诺(本·施瓦兹 Ben Schwartz 饰),三人策划了一场抢劫案,为的是让店主明白,这里并不是经营酒吧的好地方。   就在计划顺利进行的节骨眼上,店小二山姆(乔许·葛洛班 Josh Groban 饰)却成为了计划里最大的阻碍。山姆一心想成为一名摇滚明星,对威尔怨气冲天,因此屡屡破坏他们的行动。与此同时,威尔暗恋的女孩贝卡(阿德琳妮·帕里奇 Adrianne Palicki 饰)也对威尔的示爱毫无反应。


潇潇雨 • 咖啡方糖

先摘录自个的影评合集《乌比冈湖里的小憩————伪抑郁症者开具的电影处方》部分前言如下: 有天,美国