

主演:Elizabeth Hurley 

导演:Duncan Roy / 编剧:Katie L. Fetting


Plot Summary:Rebecca Fairbanks is a movie star, a method actress making her first film in three years following a breakup with Jake Fields, her co-star in the new film. They're on location in Romania, Jake's new wife is with him, and Rebecca's stage mother, Mona, is close by monitoring Beka's every move. The film they're making is about a mass murderer in Indiana in the early twentieth century, who lured men to her farmhouse with a promise of marriage. Jake plays the widow's farmhand, lover, and partner in crime. As Rebecca gets deeper into her part, people around the set start to die. Who's the murderer? Is there a madness to her method?
19世纪初,名叫贝莉·吉尼斯的寡妇住在美国印第安纳一座偏远农场中。她勾引男人,然后谋财害命,成为名噪一时的杀人女魔头。   时间转入现代,贝莉的故事即将搬上银幕。有幸出演这一角色的正是三年前因感情破裂而息影的女明星莉贝卡·费尔班克斯(伊丽莎白·赫莉 Elizabeth Hurley 饰),与之演对手戏的则是她当年的男友杰克·贾尔德斯(杰瑞米·西斯托 Jeremy Sisto 饰)。三年的岁月并未冲淡莉贝卡对杰克的爱恋,随然对方已有妻室,然她的目光中仍然流露出无尽缱绻。在拍戏过程中,莉贝卡似乎渐渐触及到贝莉的灵魂,她入戏越来越深,而这也极大影响了她和周围人的生活……


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