
又名:Autumn Milk


主演:达娜·瓦罗娃 Werner Stocker 

导演:Joseph Vilsmaier / 


Plot Summary:This is a cinematic adaptation of the autobiography of Anna Wimschneider. It depicts her life's experiences and workaday routines as a woman born on a farm in lower Bavaria, Germany, in the 1920s. Anna's mother died early in child-bed and since then Anna had to take her place and work very hard. On a Nazi rally she meets young Albert, who owns a farm. They realize that they both don't believe into fascism, and go off for a coffee bar, where he starts wooing her. Against her prior decision to leave the farm-life as soon as possible, she agrees to marry him, in the hope that her life will become easier on Albert's farm.
母亲去世时, 8岁的安娜(Anna)只得操持起9口之家的   家务。她从早到晚在农庄里忙碌着,无暇光顾学校。10年后,安娜爱上了年轻的农民阿尔波特(Albert)结婚当天,安娜搬进了婆家。可惜好景不长,阿尔波特被迫应征入伍,安娜受尽婆婆的虐待和歧视,甚至在她已有身孕时还得经营农庄、耕种田地,照顾家人。


残夜嘈嘈 • 吃苦受罪

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